Canadian democracy – hijacked?

Canada is facing a general election later this year. A lot of us mere mortals are alarmed at the direction Canada is headed.

There is a widespread feeling that Canada, a vast nation with so much good land, one of the biggest forest and water and resources, is heading in a dangerous direction of denigration of its living space, its environment and its socio-economic fabric, for the sake of disproportionate profit by a few.

In the middle of this crisis, our very democracy might be facing new challenges.

Canadians as it is have a poor record of voting.

Now new facts are emerging raises question on the very process employed within many political parties in selecting their candidate that could be unethical, and cloaked in secrecy.

This blog is an effort to start chronicling firsts hand information and observations on this, and same time ask ourselves, as citizens of a free democratic nation, what we the people might do, to clean up our politics, our elections, and our nation. We owe it to ourselves to do so.

Clean democracy does not fall from the sky like snowflakes. We have to work to keep it clean, else it will taken away from under our feet. How? Well, there may be reasons to suspect that :

  • a large number of people are of a sudden becoming party members in droves just in time to participate in candidate selection, probably for the sole reason of influencing the selection process but otherwise taking no part in volunteering or promoting either party doctrine or our democratic process in any other way.
  • a number of these “sudden members” may not even know that they were members of a specific party, or that they might have voted in some candidate. In other words, there is reason to suspect that their name and signature may have been unethically produced.
  • that some of these members may not actually be living within the riding, and the address written in their forms seem not to be the place where they actually live.
  • that some of these people, might have been members of more than one party at the same time and their names may have been used for more than one party candidate selection process.

Introducing Ms Wendy Bales, of Deroche, BC, a small businesswoman, an organic farmer, a sustainable agriculture campaigner, and a politician, on her observations on what she found going on, in her riding.

She found some evidence of questionable goings on while canvassing for herself as an NDP potential candidate in the last Provincial election, wanting to be the selected member of the party. She subsequently found it hard to investigate the matter further because of difficulty in accessing membership and voting record data. She eventually resigned from the party, removed her name from it, and is now contemplating running for office in the federal election on an independent ticket.

The party in the process lost a genuine and hard wording candidate with a lot of responsible social work behind her, and Canada lost an honest and deserving candidate.

This is not to say that the problem exists only in her riding or only in NDP. She is now worried that the issue may be beyond individual parties and widespread, and the system is being abused because there is this lack of transparency and because parties can and do high their internal workings away from public eye.

It may be time for the people of Canada to demand that each political party makes all its books available first of all to all of its members, and then to the wider population, if they wish to earn the trust of voters.

[youtube 4aOKIv9Vb8Y]

This is the first of more videos and information on the topic.

If you know of questionable goings on in your own area, or have something to contribute to this topic – send me a note.

Glyphosate poisoning test for Canadians

This is a follow up announcement for all Canadians.

We have been trying for a long time to have a system by which Canadians can test themselves for glyphosate poisoning, and also test their food to learn where the poison is coming from. Now, finally, some solutions are coming up. But there are also changes in the offing. The original lab that was offering the test in USA may not do so after Nov 30. A new system is being looked at through another commercial lab. So our advice at this moment is to hang on and wait to see what comes up in Jan 2016, unless you already paid and have to send samples across right now. Organizations that with to be involved in collection and handling of samples for as a shipping transit point from Canada to US labs, please contact me.

People interested in joining us to lobby various segments and layers of our Government and healthcare system to pay for some of these tests – please contact me. We need to present an unified, or collective, voice.

Please who believe in the need for testing glyphosate, and would like to join our effort in Canada, please consider contacting Tony. The time is right, with a new federal Government in place. Meanwhile watch this space.

Canada did not have a lab that would test body fluids or food for glyphosate content. We still don’t. However, things are changing. Public awareness on the dangers of Glyphosate is rising daily, along with an awareness that our Government does not test imported toxins for possibility of harm, but bases its decision on third party information, and is influenced by foreign corporate power more than a genuine concern for any long term safety of the people. Thankfully, there are still some institutions that are willing to rise up against this trend. World Health Organization is one. It recently classified glyphosate as a class 2A probable human carcinogen.

Meanwhile, US-EPA started mumbling about testing American food, for glyphosate content, a mumble that is likely to be echoed by the Canadian counterparts.

A lab or two in Canada are appearing ready to test vegetables and processed food for presence of Glyphosate. This will be covered in another blog, as we get organized to start testing our food.

Meanwhile, a lab in the US is offering citizens test of urine, water and breast milk for glyphosate. These labs are using high end High Performance Liquid Chromatography tandem mass spectrometry (HPLC-MSMS) methods and are offering these tests at substantially lower rate than before.

Payment and schedule details

Payment and schedule details

And, our earlier problems of finding an easy way for Canadians to send body fluids across the border to labs in the US, has been solved, thanks to cooperation from Henry Rowlands of Feed The World Group. For logistical and technical reasons, testing of breast milk is not offered to Canada right now, but urine and water can be sent. I shall remind people here that in Canada it is possible now to test soil, water as well as food for Glyphosate already, using both ELISA and HPLC-MSMS methods. Click on the above image to find details of when the next batch of urine samples might be ready for testing, and how to pay for it. Meanwhile those that have already paid for the test, in Canada and not yet sent their samples, follow this instruction and send the samples to Tony Mitra.

But for urine, which is so important for people to know if they have been poisoned or not, now Canadians can pay directly on line to the testing scheme, and then follow instructions specific to Canadians, as described in the attached video, regarding sending urine samples.

[youtube _f1Ik_Sgg7Y]

Please follow the instructions on the above you tube video, and the attached flyer below. Please do pass this information around to others that might be interested.

The idea of this test comes from realization that our Governments and Medical systems have been turning a deaf ear when it comes testing if the most used toxin in Canadian food system and agriculture has been poisoning our children, our elderly and ourselves.

This is the first prong of our citizens initiative to test ourselves bypassing our do-nothing Government. The second prong will be to test our own food by ourselves, possibly using one of our own Canadian labs. Details for that will be followed up by a separate blog and perhaps another “how to” video.

If you have any question, feel free to contact me.

As results are coming in, it has become clear that nearly everyone of us are exposed to glyphosate, one way or another. Its only a matter of degree. As the first batch of people are expected to be those already concerned about glyphosate and likely are careful to eat good food, the results are likely to be lower than the national average when a broad cross section of the population are checked, including those that are unable to be selective of what they eat, and those that are unaware.

Link to this blog has been sent to folks people across the world that I have had the pleasure of communicating with in regard to Glyphosate testing. Only one of the email did not go through. The failed emails are listed below:

1. Ms Sinvia Bishop – elected municipal councillor of my town, Delta, BC : The emails service returned a note that my email was rejected by her server.