Glyphosate, 2,4-D, a radio show and our defunct political system

Foods tested for glyphosate, and also foods tested for 2,4-D total over 15,000 records. The chart below gives a brief overall readings of some food types that were noted to have both glyphosate as well as 2,4-D though not necessarily from the same sample or the same sample lot. Also, the graph is not region specific and covers a global average.

More specific details will follow.

The readings for glyphosate, in blue have a much higher level of concentration compared to 2,4-D, in green, the chart was drawn on logarithmic scale rather than linear scale, to bring the two curves closer to each other, so a visual comparison and perspective could be drawn. The chart was sorted with the 2,4-D readings in ascending order from left to right i the green curve, with corresponding glyphosate readings plotted in blue for each food type. Those foods that did not have value for both chemicals have been omitted. The chart only shows average concentration of the toxins. It does not show umber of samples for each type, nor the  percentage of samples that were dirty or the lower and higher extreme readings in each group.

Meanwhile, I have reached a decision – this issue of Canadians and Americans being slow poisoned perhaps a hundred times faster than anybody else anywhere else, is not a problem that can be solved by hanging out with famous talking heads of the world, either pro or anti-GMO. Also, while I hugely appreciate help from a dwindling number of scientists that are still able to speak and write about dangers of glyphosate – hanging out with scientists is not an end in itself. What is needed is citizen grassroots actions against the corruption in our political system that allows poison peddling schemes to pass off as food technology, forest management and environment protection system.
And to that end, I shall try my level best to show by example in an effort to bring this topic (of North American foods being the most poisonous on earth and that Canada produces the most toxic foods in the twenty thousand year history of agriculture) into the mainstream political debate and dialog. Whether I succeed or not – I am going to die trying.
To that end, I have had yet not fully satisfactory one on one exchange with two different candidates standing for the provincial election from my riding. Both of them did not know how to spell glyphosate, and had no idea about food toxicity or wildlife and ecological collapse ongoing as we speak. One of them (NDP) visited me at my home with his assistant to educate himself for one hour, and yet left confused and unsure if he is versed enough to bring this into the political debate.
Tomorrow, I go out to meet some other citizens in nearby towns, stand next to the road side billboards of candidates and make videos of talking into the camera, explaining how we do not have a functioning democracy, and that we have complete idiots standing for election to represent us and how this is not going to solve an iota of our problems unless the citizens take control of our political system and filter out all the billy goats out.
I have, during the last federal election – forced at least one toxic candidate (Green Party) to withdraw from the election because he was spraying the BC forests with glyphosate for twenty years and suddenly turned environmental minded to stand for election. I exposed the son of a bitch, drew flack from the green party, exposed him as a fraud in March against Monsanto at downtown Vancouver, and was happy to see the thug withdraw from the ballot.
In six months, I should have my book expanded to near a thousand pages, or perhaps have volume II to cover non-glyphosate pesticides in foods.
I am still having problem getting the historical trend on how the MRLs have been increased over time, for glyphosate as well as other chemicals. I have reason to believe none of those upward readjustments or MRLs are legal, and that there are absolutely no proof in possession with the government, that the safety limits could be raised.
I wonder how long it will take for the population to stop vacillating and demand the hidden safety data or drag these good for nothing elected primates by the scruff of their necks and tossing them into the ocean to replace them with proper, rational homo sapiens.
How long ?
A radio show
Was interviewed for an hour on US based Radio Show USA Prepares. The first hour is with me.