What is happening to this Corona-Hit planet ?

A lot has happened in one month, thanks to an invisible, and perhaps imaginary virus, 2019-nCOV. My life and that of my family and closely friends and neighbours may alter in unpredictable ways and the signs are not good. Governments are asking business to slow down or shut down and for people to consume less. This in itself may be good for the planet if this was the original plan and the effort was to smoothly transition civilisation from one phase to another. But to do it under mortal fear, randomly and abruptly, turning normal life on its head for billions of people – is something else.

I am sometimes referring to the virus as just Corona because its full name, 2019-nCOV is too damn long. Covid19 is the name of the sickness one might get, if infected by this virus.

World is going nuts about a virus that, when one looks through the haze of selective reporting and the din of mass hysteria, appears to me to be hardly much different from every years flu. I started tracking the death counts, for example in Italy, to see how many actually die, out of those that are confirmed infected – and the ration looks ridiculously insignificant to be calling this the greatest medical threat to mankind since the Black Death of the 14th century, which killed 60 million people worldwide when the population of the planet was  about one sixteenth of today.

I took data from the above Government released numbers from Italy, to produce the below chart.

Even more strangely, or outrageously, my posts on Facebook started getting scrambled, when those posts and pictures death with doubting the media frenzy about the seriousness of the pandemic. Was it my computer that was acting up through an infection of its own, or was it something more sinister. In the process of trying to unravel the mystery, I remembered that Ron Pauls comments on his own website claiming the Coronavirus scare to be a hoax was not properly showing up on Facebook, with blocked out image of the page indicating there were false information mentioned there. Clearly, the industry has been leaning on Facebook, who in turn would lean on any user that dared to question the official line – that Coronavirus was real. Anybody that dared say different, was likely to have his comment graded out or tarnished by claim that this was false presentation of the facts.

Trying to rely on blog and websites more than Facebook

Facebook in other words, might actually now be censoring free speech and freedom of expression, on behalf of the same group that presumably tries to exert control over behaviour of even governments.

And it is not just Facebook. Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, the state controlled TV outlet, better known as CBC also does it. It cut Dr. Kettner of Manitoba halfway through his sentence because he was doubting the data claiming Coronavirus to be a pandemic or even an epidemic. So, is it just me or is there a major conspiracy that even others have cottoned on to, but are being silenced by the system? Both Dr. Kettjer and Dr. Ron Paul are medical doctors that practiced medicine for years.

I also remembered that the private web sites are not under Facebook, and perhaps not yet so much under control of the Government or industry. I don’t even know who controls whom at this point.

And so, it dawned back on me that I should perhaps use my blog more often than Facebook, for airing my comments. In any case, people have polarised views. a vast majority do not judge the issue of this pandemic from a neutral stand and with an open mind. Many are influenced by like or dislike of a person, and thus allow their judgment to be clouded by the actions of those persons – example – Donald Trump of the US or Narendra Modi of India, or Boris Johnson of UK or Putin of Russia – take your pick.

They are so fixated to oppose these three that if any of them declare the sun to be rising from the east, these instinctive and mindless naysayers will automatically claim that the sun actually rises from some other direction. That is how you can identify these nay sayers. They surrendered their logic, just to be anti-Putin, anti-Trump or anti-Modi.

Since Trump initially called Coronavirus a hoax, and later, under pressure changed his tune a little, the public, using that as a reverse litmus paper, may have decided that the virus, real or imaginary, must be the agent of a new age Black Death of the Bubonic plague notoriety.

The raw data coming out of WHO can be used for doing analysis which indicates, again and again, that there is no pandemic, nor even a middle serious threat of any epidemic. This is just this season’s variant of common cold of flu. Thats it. The following 30 minute video explains it well – and I hope that video will not be taken down soon.


As the video says, your immune system is the best defence against Coronavirus, and your brain is the best defence against the fear virus. Use both diligently and support both – don’t fall for fake panic.

A brief update lasting six minutes has come out on march 27, with update of WHO data up to March 26.

Despite these factual analysis, nations are shutting themselves down.

We are trying to arrange a conference call so some of the folks can address some of the issues we should take care of now, to protect ourselves from financial hard times possibly also coupled with unravelling of the social structure and the basic support system provided by the Government.

March 27, 2020

Looking for previous flu figures. The problems with these deductions is the accuracy of the data with respect to how many get infected. For flu, a vast number of people may get the symptom but not even see a doctor since they get over it by themselves. So the dead to recovered ration would be very small.

I suspect the same in Coronavirus cases, i.e. I myself, for example, may have gotten it somewhere in USA or Canada in the last two-three months, when I drove cross country from British Columbia to Florida and came back across the US southwest to California and up the west coat, dropping I restaurants and hotel lobbies, joining up XMAS and new year events etc.

If all fo us were to be tested, I suspect a lot of us had it, got over it without showing symptoms and have residual antibody that should show up if we were tested, thereby greatly skewering up the same death to recover ratio.

Today, I cannot get tested for Coronavirus free of charge unless I show symptoms. Therefore, if I already had it and recovered, I shall be out of the statistics.

I have heard of people that fall into this category. Their blood sample was drawn in October and November in the US for some other reason, such as an accident, and some of the stored blood was now tested and show presence of the Coronavirus. Then they were called back, four months after the blood drawn, to check again for virus and antibody – and they show no sign of the virus but residual presence of antibody, proving that they had the virus back in October and November without even knowing of it, and they got over it by themselves.

The thing is – these guys freely mixed with others, who in turn mixed with more.

This is why some scientists like Don Huber suspects that in the US hundreds of Millions of people are likely already naturally immunised from Coronavirus by being infected long back and passing it around too, and a smaller percentage are now “available” for fresh infection – like it is happening in New York.

So, if all of these were/are tested, the ratio for Coronavirus deaths would become insignificantly small.

This is why I would rather check only the deaths, ensure that the dead died only from Coronavirus and they did not have other comorbidities, check their age demography, and then compare the absolute death numbers with flu death numbers for past years, to get a comparative view. I suspect that the Coronavirus would turn out to be a lame one.

Just my two cents. Time will tell what happens. We know how complicated the numbers in Italy are. Over 99% of the dead had secondary and even three or four other serious life threatening comorbidities apart from being really old. Those factors skewers the projection greatly.

Pray for Dharavi, Mumbai, India


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