Rose writes to Premier Brian Pallister on Covid19

Rose Stevens is a fire breathing pro organic anti-GMO anti-Glyphosate, natural healing, anti-Big Pharma citizen activist and entrepreneur from Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. She wrote to her premier recently about the goings on with Covid-19 and the lockdown. Here is a copy.

Dear Honorable Brian Pallister
 I was moved by your heart felt concern for Manitoba citizens on your recent interview. regarding the corona virus issue.   I thought to myself– here is a premier who really cares.  However, I believe there are some things  that you are not aware  of , so that is why I am writing this letter to implore you to do some more research on what is really going on.
Why is Mayor Bowman meeting with Bill Gates and entertaining the WHO’s  predictive contagion model and a corona vaccine solution  when we have a local expert such as Dr Joel Kettner who could weigh in?.  Bill Gates is not even a doctor.  Why did  CBC cut off  Dr Joel Kettner’s interview  when he questioned the status quo on the numbers regarding the corona  virus pandemic?

If you watch you will understand that you or being lied to by main stream media and they are part of the problem by giving every one, including you a false narrative.

I would encourage you to listen to other experts such as Dr Rashid Buttar , who blasts Bill Gates and Fauci as he exposes the fake pandemic numbers while  the economy collapses.

 And can you please tell me why our Prime Minster Trudeau used my tax dollars to fund the lab in Wuhan?

Rose Stevens

Please listen to  Dr Shiva talk about how intravenous vitamin C is saving lives of those infected with Corona virus. Why are alternative therapies not considered ?  Even Dr Paul Offit who is the leading  pro vaccine doctor in the USA is saying he is worried about this corona vaccine   (See attachment)

I am asking you to speak with Mayor  Bowman to ask him  not to take the advice of Bill Gates and WHO via a scheduled teleconference he posted on his FACEBOOK page. Have you seen how many citizens commented negatively about this on his page?

Prime Minister Trudeau,[1] public health officials, and the mainstream media have expressed the opinion that “life will not return to normal until a vaccine for CV 19 is developed.”

The citizens of Canada are entitled to the full protection guaranteed under the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, the Universal Declaration of Bioethics and Human Rights, the Nuremberg Code, and the medical and legal ethic of informed consent.

A health care strategy for COVID 19 that is based solely on indefinite containment and mass vaccination is reckless and dangerous, and a violation of our rights and freedoms under the Charter.

We demand that our government representatives carefully consider the following points and use extreme caution, wisdom and humility in making decisions that will impact the lives of every Canadian now and for the foreseeable future.

I. Impact of Indefinite Isolation

The fact is not all citizens are at equal risk of serious adverse effects from contracting CV 19. The current virus suppression strategy of mass and indiscriminate ‘social distancing’ is unsustainable, heavy handed, unethical, not supported by scientific evidence, and will undoubtedly cause more harm than good. It is time to re-evaluate the government’s response to COVID 19.

This devastating attack on the free will and self-respect of Canadian families is causing unconscionable hardships as never seen before. These hardships include, but are not limited to: job loss, income loss, severe stress impacting health, business closures, overall economic devastation, suicides, and negative consequences for families and marriages.

It is astonishing and completely unacceptable that these measures are being imposed upon the Canadian people by a small group of elected and unelected officials who are making poorly informed and dangerous decisions without adequate data, proper debate and public input.

Key points:

1. There is no scientific evidence to substantiate the effectiveness of “social distancing” as a medical intervention to reduce COVID 19 transmission and infection.

2. The imposition of mass and indiscriminate self-isolation measures prevents the development of natural immunity necessary to secure herd immunity.

3. It is the opinion of experts that efforts to suppress the virus through self-isolation measures prolongs the outbreak and puts more lives at risk, damages our economy and the mental stability and health of the more vulnerable.

II. Fast-Tracked Vaccines

Vaccine makers have already moved directly into human testing of a COVID 19 vaccine without the completion of animal testing.
Key points:

1. Unlike with all other pharmaceutical products, vaccine manufacturers are not required to meet the safety standards (double blind, placebo controlled clinical trials), there is no independent testing and testing data is not publicly available.

2. Fast tracking vaccine development is effectively human experimentation, a method that increases the risk of developing a dangerous product that may cause more harm than good and severely undermine the trust of Canadians in our health professionals, health agencies, and in the entire vaccine paradigm.

3. Previous attempts to develop a coronavirus vaccine have demonstrated the high potential for “immune enhancement” or “pathogenic priming “. Immune enhancement occurs when those who get the vaccine are later exposed to the virus, they develop even more severe disease than those who had not been vaccinated.[2]

III. Violation of Charter Rights and Freedoms

The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms requires that the response of governments to this challenge must remain rational and commensurate with demonstrable evidence, and the checks and balances of the rule of law. The severe curtailment of civil liberties without projected timelines for their rescission, the shutdown of economic activity and resulting job losses, the increase of human suffering through confinement and restriction of liberty, and the closure of courts of justice denying citizens a ready recourse, are all factors which bear close scrutiny, and must be weighed in the balance of a Constitution which zealously guards the rights and freedoms of citizens.

Governments may enact laws and pursue policies that limit Charter rights and freedoms, but the onus is on the government to prove that the limit is demonstrably justifiable in a free and democratic society.

Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms

Key points:

1. To date, the governments in Canada have not shown evidence that the limits to our rights and freedoms is demonstrably justifiable.

2. What we are living is effectively house arrest. The fact is you quarantine sick people, not healthy people. It is time for a new strategy.

3. The closure of our parliaments and courts of law is unprecedented, illegal, unnecessary, unconstitutional, undemocratic and impedes the ability of Canadians to hold our governments accountable.

Warnings of Experts

We implore you to heed the warnings of scientists and medical experts, including:

“I understand the importance of accelerating timelines for vaccines in general, but from everything I know, this is not the vaccine to be doing it with. There is a risk of immune enhancement. The way you reduce that risk is first you show it does not occur in laboratory animals.”

Dr Peter Hotez, Dean of the National School of
Tropical Medicine at Baylor College of Medicine

“You really have to test a vaccine carefully and not just roll it out because people are clamoring for it with an epidemic underway.”

Marc Lipsitch, Epidemiologist
Harvard Chan School of Public Health, Boston

“What can be done to end this epidemic? The answer is herd immunity. Don’t close schools – open them up! Let those under the age of 65 with no significant health problems go to work. Their risk of death is very close to zero. Our current strategy of isolating these healthy people from the virus: a. is not working (and) is actually leading to a prolonged COVID-19 season!”

Knut Wittkowski, German Epidemiologist

Will You Protect Our Rights?

As an elected official or unelected health policy maker, will you honour your mandate to support actions that truly protect and promote good health without violating the constitutional rights of Canadians?

Will your decisions and actions be based on careful consideration of solid and verifiable information offered by leading scientists and medical professionals across the world, rather than solely on what is provided by the unchecked and unaccountable World Health Organization, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, and the vaccine industry?

Specifically, consider your stance regarding the following and answer these questions:

1. What is your position on protecting my ethical and legal right to informed consent for myself and my right and responsibility as a parent to make medical decisions for my children?

2. Where do you stand on the right to bodily sovereignty – my body, my choice?

3. Is it ethical to deny children, young people and others who are at low risk of mortality from COVID 19 the opportunity to develop natural immunity, and instead, to make them dependent on vaccine-induced immunity and the vaccine industry?

4. Why force every citizen to be vaccinated when only a small portion of the population is at serious risk from COVID 19?

5. Do we want to create further dependency upon vaccine induced immunity?

It’s vital to consider the admission of Heidi Larson, Director of The Vaccine Confidence Project during the 2019 WHO Global Vaccine Safety Summit:

“We’ve shifted the human population…to dependency on vaccine-induced immunity…We’re in a very fragile state now. We have developed a world that is dependent on vaccinations.”

6. Given a COVID 19 vaccine will likely be fast-tracked with inadequate safety testing, how willing are you to permit the vaccine industry to ignore proper safety protocols and procedures like animal testing?

7. Given the high probability of vaccine injury and death from an inadequately tested vaccine, who should be held legally and financially accountable for vaccine injuries and deaths?

8. The lure of tremendous profit creates the strong potential to exaggerate the benefits and minimize any risks of the vaccine and to allow profit to supersede health. Are our decision-making bodies sufficiently independent from industry influence and control?

9. Are there better and more effective investments of professional resources and taxpayer dollars – such as naturally boosting immunity with reliable dietary recommendations, vitamin supplementation, personal hygiene advice, clean water, reduced exposure to toxins, and other public health measures proven to promote health?

10. Can I count on you to stand firm and protect my rights and freedoms in Canada?

Canadian families demand that all provincial and federal governments immediately desist consideration of any health care strategy for COVID 19 that relies on indefinite isolation and the mandating of a vaccine or other coercive practices that impact the right of Canadians to enjoy health, sovereignty and free will.

What is the point in surviving if our rights and freedoms do not survive with us?

Rose Stevens

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