Angela Merkel on Huffpost – A warning, or hypocrisy?

Along with many other news sources, I have more or less stopped watching Huffington Post too, a part of the media trash. Nonetheless, this one came out of it, covering Angela Merkel’s supposed not-so-subtle warning. The title was carefully designed to get you interested and click to read further. I did not get it directly from Huffpost since I stopped looking at it. It nonetheless came to me through Facebook shares.

The main theme of this article, whether Merkel meant it or not – implies that Merkel is ready to work with the new president elect Trump, when and if both leaders share a common belief of equal rights to people of all colour and faith.

The article implies that Merkel suspects Donald Trump might not not allow equal human rights to people of skin colour other than white, or to people of faith other than Christianity etc etc.

In that, Merkel is conveniently mixing two issues and blurring a very important national concern for anybody. The two issues are : is supporting human rights the same thing as allowing unlimited immigration from anywhere?

This to me is one of the key elements to the problems in the global politics relating to the war torn middle east today. The so called immigrant issue, for Merkel and EU, involves people from the middle east. Why are they moving to Europe ? Not necessarily because they want free state support, easy money or a better lifestyle. They are moving primarily because their homes, cities, villages and mode of living have been bombed to smithereens, thanks to western manufactured bombs used on them either directly, or indirectly by the west.

Another way to look at it is – Merkel and the rest of warmongers, Hillary and Obama included, believe, rightly, that accepting all these homeless refugees is a moral responsibility, if they wish to continue to bomb more and more middle eastern towns, villages and cities. Accepting these immigrants is a price that the European and American societies must pay, so that the military industrial complex can continue to its business business as usual and the entering immigrants can then work at wages lower than the locals would accept, thus making it even cheaper for the corporations to make a buck.

It would have been smarter, to wake up to the fact that there is another way to solve this problem:

  • Stop the war
  • Stop the bombing
  • Spend the money to rebuild the devastated towns and cities
  • Make sure that the local people get the jobs
  • Ensure local firms get the contracts like the post war Marshall plan
  • Do not allow western firms and tycoons to milk the system again.

If you do all that and make the middle east great again, the people will not only stop wanting to move to Europe or North America, but those that already came would largely want to go back.

This is the first item that Merkel is mixed and made fuzzy.

The next item that she may be making fuzzy is questioning Donald Trump’s right to want to protect his own nation from endless ingress of refugees from exactly those war torn areas where most have been harmed by western war crimes and will likely to have many that hold a grudge against the west because of it. Trump may or may not follow up on what he stated during his campaigns, but what he did state is not that he denies human rights to brown skinned people or people of the Islamic faith – but that he opposes the US governments policy of bombing the shit out of everybody – and wishes to work WITH other nations and not FIGHT with them, and that he opposes endless influx of immigrants precisely from those areas where terrorists are mushrooming up.

I do not at all see this reasoning as a sign that Trump is either a racist, or that he despises people of colour or other religion.

The only thing I am uncomfortable with about Trump in this particular field, is his open declaration of supporting Israel in what appears to me to be a biased tilt towards it and calling out Iran as a demon. But I suspect he said it because he had to say it, and that, somehow, no American politician can rise to power without blessing of Israel – a strange and incomprehensible situation where a tiny tiny tribe of people can have such an overwhelming influence on the supposedly most powerful nation on the planet.

But, Angela Merkel too has been in the same rut, and will not say a word against Israel.

Other than that Israel angle, I see no real evidence that Donald Trump has been either a virulent racist or a virulent anti-Muslim or any-any other faith.

So, either Angela Merkel is a fraud, or Huffington Post is a fraud, or both of them are.

IF you want to address issues with human rights, racism or religious intolerance, Angela and Huffington post, start with Israel and Palestine first. Then, I am willing to listen to you and might stop considering you anything better than trash.