Derecognition of good scientists

Dark ages of Glyphosate resistance

While on the subject of the planet being poisoned by glyphosate, other toxins, micro plastics, Chemtrail and a myriad of other things, all in the name of development, there is something else that gets missing in the noise.

There is a need for us to step back a bit, and look at it from afar, and reflect with a wider viewpoint an look for root causes that go deeper than scratching at the surface.

And that is how I end up writing chapters like this one for my book in the making – Lonely Road, footprints of a food security activist.

West took a leading role in many issues of global significance. This involved development of a functional democratic system represented by one-man-one-vote in a modern sense. This also meant developing a culture that separated the church from the state, and encourage secularism and rule of law, where everybody was equal in the eyes of the law, where universal education was a birthright, along with basic healthcare and social security.

It was the west that lead the world in scientific research in many fields and proved to be catalytic in development of a wide swatch of modern scientific research.

It created the League of Nations and later the United Nations, so that a single powerful nation cannot wage war on another on personal opinion, but where there was need for international mediation and effort to use peaceful means to conflict resolution first, a system where might did not equate right. 

There is perhaps no need for me to elaborate on this. West produced people like Isaac Newton, Charles Darwin, Albert Einstein, Karl Marx and Adam Smith. The west had the most advanced nations on earth, with the highest standard of living. People from the rest of the world aspired to migrate to the west in order to have a better life.

All this is fact and undisputed.

However, like the great eastern philosopher Confucius of the past had stated – change is the only unchanging fact of life. Everything must and will change.

So, too, is the case with what the famed “west” represented. So, to go back to issues – while the west still dominates in scientific research, it is more often than not conducted by people working for western institutions but themselves originating from outside. Theory of Charles Darwin is most challenged today in the western school system, rather than in any other place. United Nation has been castrated and rendered into a hapless eunuch by none other than the United States. United States makes unilateral decision to wage war on whoever it likes, whenever it likes and wherever it likes. Standard of living in the rest of the world is catching up fast with the west. China arguably already has more millionaires than the US does. On GDP based on purchasing power parity, there are more non-western nations in the top ten than western nations. Everything people feared about communism, is coming true under capitalism.

Democracy has been hijacked in almost all the western nations, replaced with a form of fascist crony capitalism where out of state shadow commercial actors decide how the state will function, while the public only decide who the symbolic but otherwise useless face of the Government will be such as a prime minister or president. Biotech science has never been more biased, tilted, controlled and abused, without neutrality, objectivity and honesty in the west, than ever before. It can hardly be called science. West does not have free press any more. In fact, the whole world is fast losing all free press. Human rights is an illusion, everywhere, but especially noticeable in the west.  Corporations have more rights than citizens with votes. Medical system is geared to keep unhealthy people sick, and to make healthy people unhealthy.

The legal system does not provide justice. Instead it provides revenue through catering to whoever can pay more. Education system is degenerating to the dark ages. School children in the west comparatively get the stupidest scores on an international scale. The western education system is busy dumbing down everybody.

And in the midst of it all, we have an ocean of toxicity into our food system, in residential lots, public parks, meadows, marshes, forests, rivers lakes and oceans – all in the name of progress.

I could go on and on ..

But, when it comes to the specific ravages of Glyphosate, let it be said that this planet destroying technology not only originated in the west, but gets most of its driving force from the west.

Citizens of the west have lost the art of resisting evil. They have long capitulated.

I do not see leadership emerging out of the west on this area at all – no matter how long and how hard I peer into the topic.

This is not to say that leadership is emerging out of the east or south or some other direction. But the rest of the world does not appear to have totally capitulated like the west has. There is a raging battle in big and small nations outside fo the west. This is my view and I am increasingly comfortable with this view.

The west has capitulated. No leadership may be expected out of the west to lead us out through this toxic wilderness. The west is going to take the planet and flush it down the toilet.

Along with this abject capitulation, comes a large swatch of disgruntled people from the west that are increasingly aware of the destruction of their belief and value system but unable find a way out. Like mindless groupies they flock around an increasing number of instant “guru” that are mushrooming out of this toxic landscape like maggots on a carcass.

And in the middle of this depressing scenario, there is a concerted effort to assassinate character of a handful of honest scientists that are still trying to shine a light. These good guys are now the target not only of the corporate controlled system but also of the army of mindless zombies that came out of the disgruntled and disenfranchised citizenry looking for something to do.

Victimisation of the good guys is an established policy

I need to say it clearly here. There is a concerted effort to downgrade and trivialise scientists that speak an unpleasant truth. This effort to trivialise select scientists, and deny them access to reputed journals and mainstream coverage, is a well established tactic used by the biotech and big Pharma industry and the political and media system that are often in cahoots with them.

It is the west that, in modern times, hounded and destroyed people like Árpád Pusztai, Andrés Carrasco, Andrew Wakefield, Edward Snowden, and Julian Assange. And the so called civil society of the west, went along and did nothing to stop it.

This so called civil society also includes lots of media savvy gurus that appear to be among the “good guys”. To me, they are a new breed of phoney, hypocritical people masquerading as good guys in order to milk a system.

This new breed of instant guru class will be taking donations from folks in order to fight the Monsanto dragon. But, behind the scene they appear to be in cahoots with the industry doctrine of denying recognition of scientists that did pioneering work to expose, for example, glyphosate. They will not be averse to take whatever information they can gather from these scientists, and then pass them off as their own information, or keep the source muddied. Either way, the victimisation of the handful of scientists still left to do work in exposing glyphosate will be kept under the carpet and out of sight by these media savvy false gurus and talking heads.

They victimise the last of the remaining honest, hard working, fearless scientists that are still somehow able to scrounge around for funds and are able to do some research on the bad effects of glyphosate, and often come out with ground braking information to this end.

Non-recognition of Anthony Samsel and Stephanie Seneff

Scientists that are victims of such selective tarnishing by the “phoney” good guys are, for example, Anthony Samsel and Stephanie Seneff.

Dr. Stephanie Seneff

I have a very strong distaste for such false gurus, and need to make my view public.

Unlike these phoney characters making a career out of milking this toxic problem of glyphosate and GMO, I do not collect donations from people. I do not run an NGO and do not wait for public support me. I do not need anybody’s help. I do have a book, but it is a reference book and I do not ask folks to even buy it. Most folks are incapable of handling a 400 page book of reference data on glyphosate. In short, I do not need anybody. Consequently, I do not need to sacrifice my freedom of thought, expression and speech on this issue. And damned if I am going to sacrifice it just to be popular.

I dislike proverbial good guys like Jeffrey Smith, Michel Antoniou, Vandana Shiva, Robin Mesnage, Carey Gillam and the rest because of what I consider their dishonesty in projecting only half truths and either selectively denying recognition of people like Anthony Samsel and Stephanie Seneff or working overtime to convince me why I should not take Samsel/Seneff seriously. I am done considering such blabbermouths as anything other than thugs pretending to be something else.

Many of them make a career out of milking the system rather than trying to solve it. They appear to be in cahoots with the same industry they badmouth and follow their doctrine of denying acknowledgement of select scientists and their contribution, because what these scientists say is uncomfortable. But it is alright to steal their words and make hay with knowledge and information gained from them.

These are the kind of scum that we find masquerading as the spearhead of a dysfunctional resistance system in a region that is speeding towards a toxic doomsday, California court case of Johnson versus Monsanto notwithstanding.

The picture at left is of Anthony Samsel, in San Francisco with Michael Baum last year when Samsel testified before the CA EPA and gave them the Lymphoma cancer data and the malignant Hemagioendothelioma cancer data he extracted from Monsanto’s raw data files.  Monsanto hid the data from the report summary to the EPA.  He gave the extra data he found to Michael Baum  which their consultant Chris Porter had missed – information received from Anthony Samsel.

I don’t need a fan club

I have said it before and I shall say it here again – I know that many of these hypocritical false guru characters have a large fan club. I know some of this fan club members are also my  friends or follow me on social media. I know I am likely to annoy many of them by criticising these undesirables that they idolize. And I know I might alienate such people.

Well, thats OK with me. Unlike Smith, Shiva and the rest of the gang, I do not need public support. Whatever I do, I do by myself, and within my means. So, I for one do not mind at all if ardent admirers of Vandana Shiva, or Jeffrey Smith etc leave my circle of acquaintance. It was nice knowing you, and good bye.

Injustice to Samsel and Seneff is a symptom of a degenerative west

But I shall be damned if I do not speak truth as I see it, with regard to the injustice done to scientists like Anthony Samsel and Stephanie Seneff by what I judge as phoney and hypocritical group leaders that feed on human misery while pretending to be against glyphosate.

Damned if I am going to support lies and liars just to be popular. I am through with that crap.

This article will, after adding to it and polishing it off, go into a chapter or a section of my next book – Lonely Road.