Toxification of chick pea

This is a sad tale of degradation of global food, thanks to westernisation of the food web – money for peddling poison.

Chickpea used to be a favoured food source for me. In India, a vast group of low income labour class people, in the hundreds of millions, live on a daily diet of ground dried chickpea – called besan. It is also a major food ingredient in Indian cooking across the land and across the economic spectrum, rich and poor.

Today, chickpea is perhaps the most toxic of all food grains, thanks to westernisation of agriculture, profit making for investors. Along with it goes ownership, control and serious manipulation of science research as well as representation of scientific data by the profit making corporations.

In fact, manipulation and corruption is science is one of the base issues for astronomical rise in power of corporations – from Big Pharma, to Agriculture. These have become the new tools of colonisation. The third and fourth pillar of this demonic system are warmongering and profiteering on weapons and deaths, and controlling the finance of the world through banksters and the super rich.

Everything of relevance that goes around the world today, are rooted to these issues.

But back to the chickpea. This grain gotten to be the the most toxic among all main stream food grains for humans that we know about. But, how do I know this is the most toxic grain?

I know this because I am the person that worked for a number of years to get the Canadian government to test all available foods for measuring the most used and most controversial poison in the world food system – glyphosate. No country had tested their foods extensively for presence of this dangerous slow poison that is at the root of my destroyed immunity, till I managed to get the issue on the floor of the Canadian Parliament eight years ago through help of one exceptional MP from BC, Mr. Alex Atamanenko. It is because of him that Health Canada was forced to answer to my query and allocate multiple millions of dollars to conduct the most extensive and so far only regime of treating thousands and thousands of samples of food grown in Canada as well as imported from some 68 countries, for presence of glyphosate and give me a set of all results. It is because of that body of data that I could analyse and come to a number of conclusions, and eventually ended up writing the reference book – POISON FOODS OF NORTH AMERICA. This image is from that book, containing over 400 charts, tables and data, that proves, for example, North America produces far and away the most toxic foods on the face of the planet, is seriously pushing this toxic technology to the rest of the world for owning and controlling the global food web. The data also shows that among all the food grains tested, chickpea happens to be the most toxic of them all. US plant pathologist and US bioweapons biosecurity expert, scientist Dr. Don Huber of Idaho explained to be the reason Chickpea accumulations more glyphosate more than any other grain. He even tried to train farmers of western North America how to avoid glyphosate and still get their pest control needs satisfied by using alternatives such as boron. But, economics drives the push for glyphosate. It is cheaper than boron, and corporations make more profit in use of glyphosate, than by items that are freely available and does not make profit for the agro-corporations.

Glyphosate is the molecule that is the Trojan horse that attacks our microbiome, are the thieves that steal the minerals from the soil and from the food that we eat, destroys our endocrine system the primary reason for runaway autism as well as other ailments such as diabetes.

Of course you will never hear it from your doctor. This is because the medical system, including all spheres of medical research and medical science have been captured by the same group that profits by keeping you sick. Any doctor that dares look beyond what he is taught and does independent analysis and speaks against the system, loses his license to practice medicine, and may even face charges for harming the population through disinformation. And yes, even the courts are in on it.

We have reached a point where doctors destroy health, scientists destroy science, lawyers destroy law, politicians destroy politics, economists destroy concept of economy, news reporters destroy news.

There is no free press, no freedom of expression, and no access to find truth easily. Propaganda goes for news and every pillar of the society is in on it.

Night is being portrayed as day. And if you disagree and question it – you are uncivil, and a danger to society, and deserve to be outcast and perhaps in a concentration camp. This is where we are now.

But, again, back to Chickpea.

The two tables in the image, both from my book, and based on data provided by the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA), under Agriculture Canada, which is under Health Canada – a wing of the Canadian Government.

The top table of the image shows how all non-organic chickpea from some countries. It is important to check how many samples were collected and tested. High number of samples indicate a lot of the stuff is available in Canada, and a lot of samples could be collected. Therefore the average is a good indication of the grain quality from that country. Low number of samples indicate possibility that the reading is not as reliable. Also, low number of samples mean less amount of the stuff is imported or otherwise available in Canada, and is perhaps less significant for us.

The last two columns are very important. They show how much of the samples are dirty. That means, for example, 85% of samples from the US were containing glyphosate. And, curiously, 15% were still clean (without glyphosate). In other words – if there was a way to find out where those 15% chickpea came from, one could perhaps even manage to find good stuff within USA. But by and large, the highest percentage of chickpea that are toxic, are produced in the US, followed by Canada, Lebanon and India. Curiously and sort of geographically, further you move away from North America, cleaner seems to be its chickpea.

But the real truth is – how much of those farmers have been influenced or coerced or manipulated, to use “westernised” and “modern” agriculture in the lure of providing sufficient food indigenously grown for their population. In general, westernisation has become synonymous to modern and better. If you do not westernise and modernise, you are not only backward, but also an ignorant fool and are going to be starving soon. This is what is being taught to people. Actual story is, you are handing over your food safety, food security and food sovereignty, to a foreigner and to their local collaborators. I do not know how else to say this.

The last column shows the average value of glyphosate in parts per billion. Obviously, the lower the better and higher the worse. And so, USA, Canada, Lebanon and India are bad news, of which USA and Canada are way worse, while they are busy trying to drag the other nations down to their level.

Then there is the question of the “unknown” country. According to CFIA (Canadian Food Inspection Agency) and I have communicated with them to understand this category – unknown means food samples where the origin in untraceable. Usually this means foods that are being sold in bulk in markets, in containers without packaging, and where the origin is not mentioned. This usually means food from local Canadian as well as cross border US farms. USA and Canada has an agreement where certain kins of food can be transported cross border free of charge, in bulk, and without need for packaging and mention of origin. A huge quantity of those approved food types regularly cross border between these two nations. Most food grains are included in this approved types. That is mainly why the “unknown” category turns up high in glyphosate content alongside Canada and USA.


The broken spine story

I was planning to work in my backyard, repairing my vegetable beds, working with the soil and adding compost, fixing the wooden walls for the raised beds etc. BY late February, plants need to go into the ground from starter pots, or seeds need to go into the ground. Time to work.

But, it was raining and it was cold. Not a good time to be working outdoors. I am not worried about covid, but I might catch a cold and in any case, it is not comfortable working in the rain in the middle of winter in Canada.

So – I got remained grounded indoor and started back at reducing my footprint on Facebook. I had already archived all 20,00 or so pictures from it to my hard drive, and deleted all albums from Facebook. However, the timeline pictures, over 4,600 of them, could be archived but could not be deleted. The delete button seems missing for the timeline photos, in a bulk. And I was not going to search out each of those thousands of pictures and try deleting them one by one.

Somewhere in that effort to find a solution, I ended up going through some of the pictures and they brought back pleasant memories.

Here is a 28 months old set of pictures from a trip I made into rural India to talk glyphosate. I am standing at the edge of a large open field in the rural outskirts of a North Bengal small town called Raigunj, in India. Behind me is a giant flat LED Screen. On the table is a MacBook – connected to the flat screen. In the corner, partially seen, is one of the two large standing boom boxes, or large speakers.

In front of me, and invisible in this picture – are a thousand people, including townspeople, villagers and farmers, women and men, sitting on the ground. Behind them is a line of people standing.

I am telling them, in their local language, the dangers of using pesticides as weedkillers in general in agriculture, and RoundUp/Glyphosate in particular. My trip was arranged there by the local organic farming promoting group called F.I.A.M.

On the screen, is a black and white photograph of a child with Spina bifida (Broken spine) a severe birth defect that is suspected to be the direct result of agricultural women, in early stage of pregnancy, being exposed to glyphosate, which seriously interferes with creation of the blueprint for the foetus, based on which the whole human is created inside the mothers womb.

The pictures is from the interior of Argentina, where a GMO tobacco plant, designed with genetically modified tobacco was grown in a Hughe plantation in the middle of a large jungle and away from big towns. The tobacco was designed to withstand being sprayed by glyphosate, which would kill all other weeds, insects and pretty much everything else around the plants but allow the tobacco to grow. Many young women that worked as farm workers were engaged to spray glyphosate over the plants, using sprayers that were carried as backpacks. Some of these women were pregnant at the time, and got exposed to breathing this glyphosate. Some developed serious ailments down the line, often months or even years after the exposure. But many others that were in early phase of pregnancy, gave birth to live babies with severe and almost untreatable birth defects. All were poor living in remote areas away from urban centres. High quality medical care was not available. Nobody told them glyphosate was the likely cause. So the women just took is as bad luck, and cared for the these children the best they could.

Years later, an Argentinian photographer, Pablo Piovano, toured these areas on a motorcycle and with a camera, searching for women that sprayed glyphosate on the tobacco plants to check if any suffered from illness. That is when, years after the fact, a new story began to emerge – newborns with severe birth defects, apart from serious illness and death of elders. He photographed them, interviewed the parents and collected it all to be published, under Spanish name of “Costo humano de las agrotóxicas” (Human cost of agrotoxins). Eventually, I saw a copy of it, and asked permission to use some of the images in my trip to interior India, to warn farm workers against use of glyphosate. I obtained the permission. And thus, this picture became part of my hour long presentation in this rural corner in India back in 2018.

The child in this picture suffers from Spina Bifida (broken spine) and cannot stand up straight. As it happens, cases of Spina Bifida among newborns in India is rising rapidly, at the same speed the use of glyphosate in agriculture is rising. History seems to repeat itself, again and again – in different corners of the planet, all linked to the same item.

Today, going through the images, I thought of sharing it on Facebook. Then, a few days later, I thought it deserved a better place – on my blog, and perhaps in a future book.

Inviting BC MLAs to join Sunday march protesting the govt placing the entire province on house arrest

To: MLA, [full name], [party affiliation], [email],
Date: Friday, April 24, 2020

From: Tony Mitra, 10891 Cherry Lane, Delta, BC, V4E3L7

Subject:  Join Protest in Vancouver on 26th April against forcing British Canadians into house arrest

Honourable MLA [full name],

The 38 day continued violation of our Constitutional rights is not acceptable. The covid-19 data doesn’t support the drastic actions taken.  The measures may have initially been implemented because your government was ignorant and needed to exercise the Precautionary Principle in anticipation that the British Columbian medical resources would be overwhelmed.  The forced closure of economy was to only reduce an anticipated rapid rate or rise of infection and to extend the span of the presumed pandemic, but at a slower pace over an extended period, so hospital staff could cope. The data now emerging does not support any extension/suspension of our Constitutional Rights and liberty.

Due to close proximity and contact with people of the US, we believe this novel coronavirus started infecting people of British Columbia in November of 2019 instead of march 2020. There are enough reports and records of it in the US which is emerging now.  By now the infection should have gone well past the necessary percentage of population to ensure herd immunity. We don’t need the cumbersome measures you imposed, as I believe adequate antibody testing will show,  if conducted right now on a few thousand random samples of people of the province.


In fact, there is now evidence that the whole pandemic as declared by WHO and Bill Gates has been engineered on fraudulent science, specifically to trigger fear and panic among the masses through doctored misinformation pretending to be scientific fact, thereby allowing governments to subvert democracy and act against the interest of the very people these governments were sworn to protect.

There is talks by PM Trudeau, essentially parroting Bill Gates, that normalcy may not return in Canada until there is a vaccine available.

Covid-19 is a flu variant. In the last 40 years, science has never succeeded in making a single flu vaccine that works, else people would have needed just one vaccine for lifelong immunity. Instead, there is a plethora of complaints that vaccines, for flu or other disease, brings on signs of autism and other illnesses in recipients, especially children that are subjected to most of these vaccines today. These reports of adverse reaction to vaccines are viciously suppressed by government health departments that have gotten beholden to Big Pharma, allowing it legal indemnity from prosecution for harm caused through vaccines. There are large number of British Columbian children that are now medically compromised after being vaccinated, and their parents are forced to run from pillar to post seeking justice.

This flu, just like most past infections, are mostly attacking people that have low immunity from either old age or from toxicity in their food and environment. One of the most relevant view, and the most suppressed, has been that infections in the past decades including HIV, Ebola, SARS,  H1N1 and now Corona flare up in regions where glyphosate, active ingredient in Roundup and other herbicides, has been used extensively, causing a steady decline in natural immunity in people.  Wuhan had the largest factory producing glyphosate for the world, and its waste was getting into the river systems converging on the province. Meanwhile Canada holds the dubious record of producing seed crops with the highest concentration of glyphosate in the entire planet – refer to CFIA data and my own published book “POISON FOODS OF NORTH AMERICA”.

Instead of eradicating the root issues that compromise immunity of the people, the Government is being complicit with Industrial Agriculture and Big Pharma to issue incorrect and ineffective guidelines to help profiteering by corporations and ensuring people remain sick, so more drugs and vaccines can be rained down on them.

The corporate and government controlled media has become a mouthpiece of propaganda instead of delivering unbiased view representing all sides of an issue. Free press has gone the way of the Dodo and the BC Government has done nothing to prevent the degradation of this important pillar of any functioning democracy.

Medical establishment is being coaxed to falsely declare deaths to be by covid-19 instead of with covid-19, where a vast majority of people dying are very old or with one or more serious pre-existing life threatening illnesses. The degree of deception here is mind boggling.

It is hard to believe you are unaware of these issues.

The economic price we are forced to pay, without our consent is worse than perhaps the great depression or the second world war – and all based on a fraudulent fear mongering of an invisible virus that science has not even conclusively proved that it exists, or that it is responsible for covid-19 or responsible for great number of deaths far in excess of average flu death ranges of past years.

When injustice becomes law, resistance becomes duty.
Thomas Jefferson

An unjust law is itself a species of violence.
Mahatma Gandhi

One has a moral responsibility to disobey unjust laws.
Martin Luther King Jr.

Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience.
Howard Zinn

SO, we the people of British Columbia are protesting this forced imprisonment of people by a lawful protest come Sunday, the 26th of April 2020 at English Bay, Vancouver, at 2 PM.

This letter will be shared in public to spread awareness of this potential anti-national role being played by the Government.

I invite you, as responsible and conscientious citizens of Canada, residents of British Columbia and sworn public servant, to join the event and lend us your support in protesting this act of violence by the Government in subversion of democracy and constitutional rights of the people.

Date: 26th April, 2020 – Sunday.
Place, outside Cactus Club, English Bay, Vancouver.
Time: 2 PM

Thanking you
Tony Mitra, 10891 Cherry Lane, Delta, BC, V4E 3L7, Canada,

A few flyers by me:


Nations should initiate independent risk analysis of COVID19

It is my belief that each nation might like to independently verify the risk posed by this Coronavirus, a variant of seasonal flu virus, and balance it with economic and psychological damage resulted by an economic lockdown of a country as a means to avoid infection, and not depend on opinion of the World Health Organization which is causing people to freeze in fear of a invisible enemy, one that has been with us for a long time without bringing the world to an end.

I hope rational thinking and proportional actions promoted by good sense would prevail. I may be that citizens need to come up with their views to counter any overreaction by Government agencies. It is the constitutional duty of the people to be vigilant on actions of the Government that can adversely affect people’s lives and livelihoods.

Attached is my letter to my MP in Canada, placed for record. I hope others that share the concern would likewise take this up with their representatives. I should be writing more letters in an effort to find one that will throw down the gauntlet and push for more investigation and verification of the threat posed by a virus against threat posed by committing economic suicide along with destruction of civil rights of people and infringement on their rights to normal life and pursuit of happiness.

A letter to my MP in Canada re Covid19-19
To: Carla Qualtrough,
Minister of Employment, Workforce Development and Disability Inclusion
Member of Parliament from federal electoral district of Delta BC
Dated:Saturday, April 5, 2020

Subject: Canada needs to independently verify level of danger posed by the Coronavirus

Honourable Minister Carla Qualtrough,

I have written to you before and also met you at your office in the past – mostly relating to Canada’s continued usage of herbicide glyphosate in agriculture and continued nondisclosure of safety data it received from Monsanto on the product.

This time I write to you on another current subject of great importance – yes, the so called pandemic on Covid-19. I have been gravely concerned about the economic consequence of Canada in essence battening itself down in fear of a flu virus named 2019-nCOV which occassionally causes a pulmonary disease called COVID19 which is similar in symptoms to average flu.

In this context urge you to consider the following:

* Coronavirus is a generic name for a virus family that has been around for a long time. Most of us have been exposed to it in the past. Our immune system usually deals with it without any fuss. Only some elderly and immunocompromised people mostly have trouble with it, and should be the ones protected.

* Todays Covid19 deaths, combined with the rest of the flu infected deaths are not outside of the range of seasonal variations in flu deaths of the past years. There is very good statistical data available from official sources that seem to indicate the declaration of a global pandemic by WHO may be a gross overreaction.

* Viruses mutate rapidly and their RNA can alter day by day or even hour by hour. There is no proof that the tests being conducted now for a tiny fragment of RNA to identify Coronavirus infection are in fact relevant, are actually from any specific strain of Coronavirus or from any other virus. These could well be junk RNA picked up from the mouth swabs that include cell excretion and other genetic debris.

* Despite whatever todays modern science says – no virus, let along a coronavirus, has successfully been isolated (from other genetic debris), purified, and its entire genome properly sequenced. Modern science has instead been shifting the goalposts to get around time tested postulates and gold standard practices in order to promote marketable products of questionable worth by the industry that controls science funding today. Science may be losing its original neutrality, objectivity and purity.

Above points are my educated opinion. I believe they are valid enough to warrant Canada to conduct independent, unbiased investigation on true risk posed by this flu virus, and not take WHO recommendations as if it is gospel from the heavens. Canada is an independent country and not a province of WHO.

I now request you to get this grave issue debated on the floor of the Canadian Parliament and to caution the Prime Minister not to play with the lives and livelihood of the entire nation by having Canada effectively engage in an economic warfare against its own self based solely on blind trust in international organisations such as WHO and the Corporate controlled foreign scientific establishments, both of which may have conflict of interest. Canada is not a banana republic and should be able to conduct independent unbiased verification of threat posed by a seasonal flu without external or internal influence and without conflict of interest.

You are my MP. Hence you are the first person I write to, but you will not be the last.

Mind it, I have never asked you for a personal favour and I never will. I only approach you on matters that concern the welfare of my country and my countrymen. In this, I am performing my duty as a citizen. I am hopeful you will perform yours as our representative in the Government.

Thanking you
Tony Mitra
10891 Cherry Lane, Delta, BC, V4E3L7, Canada,

Stephanie Seneff, David Crowe, Coronavirus, HIV, Wuhan & Glyphosate

Stephanie Seneff is a scientist. Specifically senior research scientist at the Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL) of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology(MIT). Her field of work in this area involves human-computer interaction, and algorithms for language understanding and speech recognition.

Then from 2011, she joined with Anthony Samsel in joint publication of a series of papers on open access journals on biology, and in particular – about the hidden dangers of using herbicide glyphosate in agriculture. Link to their papers – Glyphosate as pathways to modern disease.

In writing those articles, she and Samsel challenged the conventional and industry controlled and influenced general scientific community in going against Monsanto and the establishment. Consequently, standard publishing houses of scientific papers would not accept their papers – which is a blight not so much on Seneff or Samsel, but on the degraded standard of the mainstream science institutions that appear to have lost appetite for neutrality, objectivity and honesty. As can be expected, the main stream media tries to paint Seneff and Samsel as a controversial scientists whose writings are perhaps not to be taken seriously.

But these papers need to be taken very seriously, not just because the hapless main stream  derides them, but especially because they identified, through six peer reviewed published papers – exactly how glyphosate penetrates through our immune system and wrecks all living biology. Glyphosate is the 600 pound gorilla at our dinner table. Samsel & Seneff nailed it – despite the effort of mainstream Corporate-science attempting to shove them and their papers under the mat.


And now, we have this huge fear mongering on Coronavirus – a flue scare that has made the world go nuts in the last few weeks. But even in the middle of such a mindless rush to engage in fisticuffs in stores for right to buy mountains of toilet paper, sanity can be found in a handful of people that question a few pertinent points.

  • Is Coronavirus real?
  • Is the test for Coronavirus accurate?
  • Is this really any more dangerous than common flu?
  • If only immunocompromised folks are affected – what is it in the immunity that otherwise would have protected most people?
  • Is the loss of immunity the real gorilla here, rather than coronavirus?
  • What is the most common cause of the deterioration in people’s immune system?
  • Is there any link between the spread of HIV, and the current scare on Corona?

The answer to some of the above came from a paper published by David Crowe titled “Does the 2019 Coronavirus Exist?”, where he questions the wisdom behind running about like headless chicken on Coronavirus. I covered most of it on a six minute video:

That paper and the resultant video of two days ago – has a few hundred views and created a small stir, and rattled some straightjacketed mainstreamers.

I had by then received comments from Stephanie Seneff that she is agnostic about the actual existence of a Coronavirus. But more to the point, she believed that the tests for identifying people infected by the AIDS virus and now the Coronavirus, involved imperfect methods based on unproven assumptions. More importantly, the risk to health posed by HIV as well as the current scare on Coronavirus – is likely rooted in damaged inane system brought about by external factors, of which the 600 poison gorilla is – you guessed it – glyphosate. So I did a telephonic interview of Stephanie Seneff.

I then converted that talk into a 22 minute video, covering telephone talk whereStephanie Seneff expresses her science based view about testing of Coronavirus, HIV, and the Link between glyphosate poisoning of a population, resulting damage to people’s immune system, and eventual rise of various epidemics – of which HIV and Coronavirus are two.

It is perhaps not surprising that wherever Glyphosate was first introduced, HIV spread.
Also, Hubei province and Wuhan, and the banks of the Yangtze River are cock full of factories producing toxic chemicals, including apparently a production facility for glyphosate, which we believe are being shifted further away from the river as we speak. Perhaps it is not surprising then, that this so called Coronavirus scare, whether a killer virus or relatively benign, originated around Wuhan.

Is the panic justified ?
The world appears to me to have lost its mind. Coronavirus is not the plague nor the Spanish flu. The sheer panic shut down of life is mind boggling. Also, it is hard to imagine that this non-event can cause so much panic and damage to global economy, unless it is part of a grand design. But what could that be?

Well, to add to the rumour, I did receive some unverified market data from India. I do not actually know if the data is accurate, but presume to be so as they seem to follow news reports of a market downturn everywhere. The one thing that stood out from the data, is how well China, the origin of the coronavirus an the most affected nation, seem to have weathered the storm. Could this be a ploy of some kind ? Is all this engineered towards some yet undefined goal? Could it be a sign of the tussle between communist China and the rest of the world?

This blog is a work in progress. Stay tuned.

McGill, Glyphosate, biodiversity and gluten

A McGill university newsroom article identifies glyphosate as a chemical agent that can decimate biodiversity of the planet. It claims that while the ecosystem would adapt and adjust to the onslaught of glyphosate, the adjusted equilibrium would arrive at a cost of much reduced biodiversity. This means, the planet would lose many species of living creatures from micro organisms, to plants and animals. Also, a thus adjusted planet with fewer variety of life would be more vulnerable to further pollution and degradation of environment.

For link to the article – click here. Contact: Shirley Cardenas, Organization: McGill University Email: Office Phone: 514-398-6751 Mobile Phone: 514-594-6877

The article is noteworthy. The problem, unfortunately, is that such articles rarely result in triggering any re-investigation or review of our practice of weed control in agriculture, forestry, meadows or residential areas. For every article that points to possible dangers of using glyphosate, ten more appear claiming it is safe. And, if one digs diligently, the ones raising alarm are by and large from independent sources, while the glyphosate-is-safe reports are by and large coming out of reports funded and controlled by the industry that benefits from the production and sale of glyphosate. So, there is bias and conflict of interest involved. Unfortunately, in todays world, there this conflict of interest is an accepted fact and very little of the free press remains in the main stream media. The McGill news is an internal publication and not considered main stream media.

The picture above came to me from the east coast. in 2016 winter, addressed in an earlier blog. Wild life is disappearing, but before that, it is being born deformed in many ways, one of which is easily observable, but a severe mismatch between upper and lower jaws, so the animal cannot even forage properly. Other defects make it infertile or having compromised fertility so it is unable to produce viable offsprings that can survive. Other problems are the animal brains too are affected and they are not as alert and careful to avoid dangers such as a predator or a human hunter. All these combine to bring on extinction of big game. Similar issues are silently finishing off smaller creatures we do not even notice. All of them however are also indications of our own impending doom.

Glyphosate concentration in run off is astronomically high. And yet, it is supposed to be acceptable. How ? Because the accepted limits are elastic. They are changed to accommodate ever rising levels of glyphosate in various samples, from different kinds of food, to the soil, water and air around us. No matter how high the level goes, the acceptable levels are accordingly raised to make it acceptable. This is an extreme example of perpetual shifting of the goal post.

Above is a figure that highlights part of the problem. I put the two red arrows to indicate how different the levels of glyphosate contamination is in run off in British Columbia, Canada. If you think this is the worst, it is not. Check identical data in other parts of Canada and the US and you will conclude that there is no place on earth as toxic as North America.

The market meanwhile tries to make a profit out of any situation. Gluten and Gluten-free food are one example. Glyphosate is the culprit that is behind the damage of microbiome that causes a gastro-intestinal problems and resultant illnesses that make people unable to digest or tolerate gluten in food. Instead of accepting the root cause and then eliminating glyphosate contamination, the food industry and their paid nutrition experts have been going overboard advising people how bad it is to eat gluten, and being gluten intolerant is not a bad thing at all. Best way to deal with this is to avoid gluten like the plague. A slew of new kinds of food is now appearing – gluten-free.

Not just that. The industry has somehow managed to twist the story and turned it into a health fad issue. This means, even if you are not gluten intolerant, you should still avoid gluten. because gluten makes you fat, makes you ugly, Because it is fashionable to be eating gluten free food etc etc.

Of course, you pay a lot more money for gluten free food. And what is it? it is normal food, with high nutrition including gluten has been processed. Gluten with all its nutrition values have been taken out. And in the process, glyphosate has been added to it. And then it is sold to you at a premium.

Just think about it. The very element – glyphosate – that gave you the illness and gluten intolerance, is now being pumped into you in greater quantity, through gluten-free food. The one thing that you need to remove from your diet, you are now eating a higher dose of. All this in the name of fashion and modernism. And even if your gut bacteria colony – microbiome – was not damaged, even if you were healthy and had no issues in digesting gluten, you are now coaxed, in the name of fashion, not only to reject gluten, but also to eat processed food that gives you more glyphosate, which in turn will make you ill as well as gluten intolerant.

And the tragedy is – gluten intolerance is only one side effect of a damaged microbiome. It is not by any means the worst. Your immune system is being shot to hell, and you are more vulnerable to all kinds of ailments, because of this anti-gluten fetish instead of an anti-glyphosate stand. Welcome to a world of distorted reality.

And all the while, the planet is being flushed down the toilet.

Canadian labs that test glyphosate

Here is a brief list of CALA (Canadian Association for Laboratory Accreditation Inc.) accredited labs that test glyphosate. This list was prepared on the 19th of August 2019, from the CALA website linked above, using search criteria to show only those labs that test glyphosate.

Please note, not all fo these may be testing samples for the public, as a few may be in house and only do tests for their parent organisation such as the government or university.

This list only shows CALA accredited labs. There may be more labs, not accredited or listed by CALA, that also test glyphosate. Those are not listed here.

Not all labs test every kind of sample for glyphosate. A vast majority test only glyphosate in water. A few more would test soil and sediments too. Only one is accredited here, to test various kinds of food.

A few labs test the same sample for glyphosate as well as its first metabolite AMPA.

Contact name, phone number and emails may be used to clarify all these points as well as how much the labs would charge for single test and for bulk.

Far as I can tell, no Canadian labs have asked for accreditation for testing human or animal body fluids. Therefore, if you want to test your urine, or blood etc, best bet is to send samples to US labs.
This is a situation that Canada needs to fix. It took me many years of effort to get Canada to have at least one local lab that would test food, and not just water and soil.
Time is right for Canadians to also demand that the government and medical establishment starts testing human body fluids for determining accumulation of glyphosate. Only then labs will get themselves accredited – since it is expensive to acquire and maintain such accreditation, and labs are unwilling to engage in an area where they perceive there is no market demand.

Please also note, the contact details above are not hot linked. One would have to retype those to use them. This page is created only as reference to help people, but not as a channel for communication to the labs.
Thank you.

Glyphosate, Codex & Canada – a letter to PMRA

To: Peter Chan,
Director General, Health Canada, Pest Management Regulatory Agency –
Date: Thursday, July 25, 2019
Cc: Dr Marcos Alvarez, Ms Reem Barakat, Mrs Nathalie Doré, Mr Paul Enwerekowe, Mr Alan Schlachter,

Subject:  Codex Committee on Pesticide Residue, MRL for glyphosate

Mr. Chan,

I write this email to you, as your name is mentioned in the document from Codex Alimentarius as the leader of the delegation from Canada that attended the recently concluded 51st session of the Codex Committee on Pesticide Residue, conducted in Macao special administrative region of China in April 2019. The letter deals with rising levels of MRL accepted as safe by both the Canadian Government and the Codex Committee, for various pesticides, but in particular, about glyphosate. This letter is also copied to the other attendees from Canada.

As an introduction, I would mention that I am a Canadian citizen and a retired engineer that was born in India. I had, some years ago during the Harper regime, tried to get Health Canada to get engaged in testing of foods for glyphosate, or at least set up some labs that would test foods for glyphosate in Canada, so the public could spend money out of their own pocket to test how toxic Canadian foods had gotten, if the Government was uninterested. At the time, Canadian labs accessible to the public would only test glyphosate in water and soil. The Harper government initially did not bother to respond to my letter. Then MP Alex Atamanenko took up my case and brought the topic to the floor of the parliament, demanding that the health minister, Ms Rona Ambrose, answered me.

Subsequently, the Canadian Government did influence some labs to get accredited to test various foods for glyphosate and did initiate a large project to test thousands of food samples for measuring residues of glyphosate and AMPA. I obtained a copy of all results through an access to information act appeal to CFIA, analysed the data and published a book on Amazon titled “Poison Foods of North America”. The book shows that CFIA tests indicate seed based crops grown in North America to contain significantly higher levels of glyphosate, and therefore, in my judgment, constituted the most toxic foods on earth. Also, within North America, Canadian crops contained measurably more glyphosate than even US grown crops, making Canada the epicentre of toxic foods on earth, when it comes to glyphosate contamination.

I warned the Government of India early in 2018 to be wary of imported lentils from Canada because of high level of contamination from glyphosate – a molecule that was not approved by India for use in agriculture. This resulted in the issue being discussed in the Indian parliament before the minister of food and the Food Safety Standard Authority of India issuing a directive to test all imported lentils for glyphosate.

In March this year, an English language magazine published in India, “Agriculture World”,  with over 10 million in circulation, Published a lead story authored by me, titled “Glyphosate, a slow moving horror”. I am told some 3,000 copies of that issue had been taken by attendees from India, to distribute among other Codex Committee attendees in Macao, China in April this year, which was also attended by you. Perhaps you saw a copy of the magazine and read the article.

Now, I write this letter to ask you a few questions.

1) Proof of safety of glyphosate
The Canadian Government has not released the safety test raw data and report received by it back in the 1970s, which was submitted by Monsanto, to prove that glyphosate was safe.

I have a separate running case with Health Canada, demanding a copy of all those pages, or be informed in writing that I, a Canadian citizen, do not have the right to see them. I have been assured that I have the right to the documents. However, the government has been dragging its feet for years.

My question to you is – can you help expedite the process, using your position and influence, to release all those hitherto hidden documents and raw data, that are supposed to prove to Canadians that glyphosate did not and does not harm higher animals such as mammals?

2) Periodic raising of Maximum residue Limit (MRL)

Canada has been raising the MRL for glyphosate for individual crops over the years. While one can see the current MRL in various crops from Government published document, I have been trying to obtain a table that shows when MRLs for each crop was raised, from what level to what level, and on which date.

My intension has been to ask the Government for evidence that on each instance, it actually verified that the raised MRL levels were safe. I have reason to suspect that the Government has seen no such data, and has been raising the MRL because earlier limits were already crossed or about to the crossed. In other words, I suspect the Government has been protecting the industry in continuously increasing toxicity levels in foods without any proof that it was safe at any level.

I request you to send me this table of raising of MRLs for glyphosate, so I can seek more information on procedure followed when those limits were raised.

3) I refer to comments submitted by the National Health Federation (NHF) to the Codex Committee (CRD28, April 2019) about establishing the Maximum levels of pesticide residue in food and feed (CX/PR 19/51/5). This 4 page comment, attached as a file to this letter, stresses how the Codex Committee on Pesticide Residue (CCPR) has been lagging in solid science and is becoming increasingly out of touch with consumer demands and the marketplace, particularly with regard to glyphosate.

My question to you is – can you offer a response to this comments by NHF from the point of view not so much of the Codex Committee, but of PMRA and the Canadian Government, which too, like the Codex, has been raising MRL for glyphosate and appears also to be lacking solid science and being out of touch with reality.

Please note, this letter may be shared with the public, to encourage residents to start asking more  questions on deteriorating food safety and resultant rise in ill health and destruction of biodiversity in Canada.

Thanking you

Tony Mitra
(address, phone number, email and signature)

Agro-toxins and birth defects in Indian Cattle

I got a bunch of photographs from rural India, in the district of Bankura from a farmer I know – Bhairav Saini. A calf was born in his property from a cow he owns, that had an opening in the region where the umbilical chord is attached. As a result of the opening, part of the calfs stomach and intestine had spilled out and was resting on the grass.

Villagers got hold of a veterinarian who, with help of the onlookers, pushed the stomach back inside the stomach cavity and stitched up the opening in the skin. No idea if the diaphragm was damaged or still functional. Dirt and external bacteria likely also entered the calk from the opening since it is highly unlikely that the field operation could be done with proper disinfecting done on parts entering the calf. The calf is reportedly not doing well, and I suspect it will not survive lone and likely will succumb from infection induced as a result. However, perhaps nothing else was possible to be done under the circumstance.

Why did it happen?

The question to ask is – why did this birth defect happen and is it a rare occurrence or an increasingly more frequent birth defect in herbivores. From records on wildlife and domesticated cattle in North America, this kind of birth defect was virtually unknown prior to 1995. It was first noted only in 1995 and has been increasing in frequency ever since. It is perhaps not a coincidence that the practice of directly spraying genetically modified Roundup Ready crops with glyphosate started from the mid 1990s and has since reached astronomical proportions not only through roundup ready GM crops but also by the practice of desiccation where conventional seed crops are sprayed with glyphosate prior machine harvesting.

I contacted wildlife scientist Ms Judy Hoy, cellular biologist Anthony Samsel, plant pathologist Don Huber and others regarding this birth defect. The malady might be identified as herniated umbilicus, where the opening for the umbilical chord does not get closed, and the stomach spills out at birth. Don Huber said this defect also qualifies as Spina Bifida. Gastroschesis is the medical term when organs end up outside of their designated body cavity – as identified by Anthony Samsel. This defect was apparently unheard off prior to 1995. But since then, it has been seen with increasing frequency among gazing animals both wild and domesticated. It is suspected that whatever they are grazing, is allowing unwanted toxins to enter the body of the pregnant mother, which in turn is causing serious birth defects.

Why is 1995 significant?

Judy Hoy did not tell me why 1995 is significant, but I have explained already that direct spraying of glyphosate on food crops started at the time. Whatever was sprayed on the seed crops, would also remain in the stocks, which often became animal feed.

However, Bhairav Saini grows organic food. He does not use industrial pesticides on his field. Other than clean food, he only bought store bought wheat (cheapest wheat available) for the cow. I am still trying to find out if that cheap “ration” wheat is produced in Punjab and if they have started the practice of desiccating wheat with glyphosate prior to machine harvesting. Alternately, if the cheap wheat is imported, where does India import its wheat from ? I know they are importing toxic lentils from Australia and Canada.

Anthony Samsel has noted that presence of glyphosate already increases certain heavy metals such as lead (Pb) and Cadmium (Cd) in crops. If pregnant mothers are exposed, both of these heavy metals can by themselves be instrumental in triggering serious birth defects. If glyphosate is also present in the feed, then it could be indirectly involved as a catalyst. These issues need further study, and we wait for Anthony Samsel to complete his investigation. I do not know of anyone else anywhere on earth that is actually trying to study these issues at the level of cellular biology. Unfortunately neither the industry nor the government provides any funds for such research and scientists often have to scrounge around for pennies, or sell personal property, to raise funds to continue such research.

Indian agriculture policy is designed to make small farmers go extinct. Western policy on scientific research is designed to make independent research scholars like Antony Samsel to go extinct too, so independently verified information will not be available anywhere on earth regarding problems of using agro-toxins. Honest scientists in the west and honest farmers in the east, are both to go the way of the dodo.

I shall come back here to complete this issue as more information comes to light. Meanwhile, my thanks go to farmer Bhairav Saini for taking the pictures, research scholar Soumik Banerjee for contacting me about it, wildlife scientist Judy Hoy for her diagnosis of the birth defect and Anthony Samsel for his input on glyphosate and heavy metal link to such birth defects.

One thing is for certain – this malady, in domestic cattle, herbivorous wildlife and in humans, is going to appear in increasing frequency, in the coming decade.

Welcome to modern agriculture.


The story behind CFIA testing food for glyphosate

There is more to a story than what goes around. I have seen enough part truths and veiled truths about how CFIA test results ended on my table, that resulted in writing of the book “Poison Foods of North America”.

The story going around is that the Canadian Government might have tested foods for glyphosate merely because WHO made a declaration that glyphosate was a probably human carcinogen. This is not true. Canada does not have the reputation of being that concerned about food safety. Had that not been the case, Canada would not be the producer of the most toxic foods of all, along with the US.

The story started long before WHO declared carcinogenicity of glyphosate. First, it started with me getting acquainted with scientists such as Anthony Samsel, Stephanie Seneff, Don Huber and Thierry Vrain, and being convinced that I should pay a lot more attention to the ravages of glyphosate and stop being fixated at GMO along. I needed to understand that Roundup Ready GM crops were first invented in order to sell more glyphosate, and that glyphosate was far and away the most sold biocide on earth and it was far more dangerous than DDT that was banned back in the 1960s. It was then that I got the first jolt. I had completed touring Canada with Thierry Vrain in 2014. It started with me getting fed up with the anti-GMO groups that refused to join hands with me to start asking questions to the government and to force them to a) disclose hitherto hidden safety documents and to b) start finding ways to test food for glyphosate.

MP Atamanenko

It took me a few hundred calls to the Canadian labs to eventually discover that Canada not only never tested food for glyphosate, which was being used in Canadian agriculture for more than 40 years, but that there was not a single registered lab in Canada that would test food for glyphosate. A very small number of labs tested glyphosate at the time, but only in samples of soil and water. Nothing else.

Sure, they could test food if needed. But they had to devise protocol for same, get accredited and spend a lot of money to set up new sections in their lab, where new instruments would be used, without contaminating sections where soil and water were tested for glyphosate. All this costs money. Since the Government and the medical system was not asking for testing of foods for glyphosate, there was no market for it. Tony Mitra asking for a handful of samples was not a reasonable market indication.

It was then that I started writing to the Government, starting with the Health Ministry under the then Harper Government, to do something so that labs start testing foods for glyphosate – the most used herbicide in Canada. My efforts caught the attention of MP Alex Atamanenko, who called me up from Ottawa and asked for a copy of my letter to the health minister Ms Rona Ambrose. He took that letter, added his own cover letter and demanded that Ms Ambrose responds to my letter and makes a statement on why Canada has no lab that would test glyphosate in food and why the government was not testing the most used herbicide in Canadian agriculture.

That, more than WHO declaring glyphosate as a probable carcinogen, got the government to start testing glyphosate in all foods. Had the Government really been concerned about cancer risk, then it would have done an honest job of analyzing the results and discovering that Canada produces the most toxic foods on the planet along with the US, and would have done something to arrest the toxic avalanche. But Canada did not take any of the corrective measure. Instead, to hide the fact that Canadian foods were more toxic than other countries, it mixed all results, took an average, which was much lower than Canadian figures and make a blank and dishonest declaration in April 2016, that CFIA has done the tests and found foods to be quite alright.

Anyhow, here is my 22 minute rant on the issue.