Inviting BC MLAs to join Sunday march protesting the govt placing the entire province on house arrest

To: MLA, [full name], [party affiliation], [email],
Date: Friday, April 24, 2020

From: Tony Mitra, 10891 Cherry Lane, Delta, BC, V4E3L7

Subject:  Join Protest in Vancouver on 26th April against forcing British Canadians into house arrest

Honourable MLA [full name],

The 38 day continued violation of our Constitutional rights is not acceptable. The covid-19 data doesn’t support the drastic actions taken.  The measures may have initially been implemented because your government was ignorant and needed to exercise the Precautionary Principle in anticipation that the British Columbian medical resources would be overwhelmed.  The forced closure of economy was to only reduce an anticipated rapid rate or rise of infection and to extend the span of the presumed pandemic, but at a slower pace over an extended period, so hospital staff could cope. The data now emerging does not support any extension/suspension of our Constitutional Rights and liberty.

Due to close proximity and contact with people of the US, we believe this novel coronavirus started infecting people of British Columbia in November of 2019 instead of march 2020. There are enough reports and records of it in the US which is emerging now.  By now the infection should have gone well past the necessary percentage of population to ensure herd immunity. We don’t need the cumbersome measures you imposed, as I believe adequate antibody testing will show,  if conducted right now on a few thousand random samples of people of the province.


In fact, there is now evidence that the whole pandemic as declared by WHO and Bill Gates has been engineered on fraudulent science, specifically to trigger fear and panic among the masses through doctored misinformation pretending to be scientific fact, thereby allowing governments to subvert democracy and act against the interest of the very people these governments were sworn to protect.

There is talks by PM Trudeau, essentially parroting Bill Gates, that normalcy may not return in Canada until there is a vaccine available.

Covid-19 is a flu variant. In the last 40 years, science has never succeeded in making a single flu vaccine that works, else people would have needed just one vaccine for lifelong immunity. Instead, there is a plethora of complaints that vaccines, for flu or other disease, brings on signs of autism and other illnesses in recipients, especially children that are subjected to most of these vaccines today. These reports of adverse reaction to vaccines are viciously suppressed by government health departments that have gotten beholden to Big Pharma, allowing it legal indemnity from prosecution for harm caused through vaccines. There are large number of British Columbian children that are now medically compromised after being vaccinated, and their parents are forced to run from pillar to post seeking justice.

This flu, just like most past infections, are mostly attacking people that have low immunity from either old age or from toxicity in their food and environment. One of the most relevant view, and the most suppressed, has been that infections in the past decades including HIV, Ebola, SARS,  H1N1 and now Corona flare up in regions where glyphosate, active ingredient in Roundup and other herbicides, has been used extensively, causing a steady decline in natural immunity in people.  Wuhan had the largest factory producing glyphosate for the world, and its waste was getting into the river systems converging on the province. Meanwhile Canada holds the dubious record of producing seed crops with the highest concentration of glyphosate in the entire planet – refer to CFIA data and my own published book “POISON FOODS OF NORTH AMERICA”.

Instead of eradicating the root issues that compromise immunity of the people, the Government is being complicit with Industrial Agriculture and Big Pharma to issue incorrect and ineffective guidelines to help profiteering by corporations and ensuring people remain sick, so more drugs and vaccines can be rained down on them.

The corporate and government controlled media has become a mouthpiece of propaganda instead of delivering unbiased view representing all sides of an issue. Free press has gone the way of the Dodo and the BC Government has done nothing to prevent the degradation of this important pillar of any functioning democracy.

Medical establishment is being coaxed to falsely declare deaths to be by covid-19 instead of with covid-19, where a vast majority of people dying are very old or with one or more serious pre-existing life threatening illnesses. The degree of deception here is mind boggling.

It is hard to believe you are unaware of these issues.

The economic price we are forced to pay, without our consent is worse than perhaps the great depression or the second world war – and all based on a fraudulent fear mongering of an invisible virus that science has not even conclusively proved that it exists, or that it is responsible for covid-19 or responsible for great number of deaths far in excess of average flu death ranges of past years.

When injustice becomes law, resistance becomes duty.
Thomas Jefferson

An unjust law is itself a species of violence.
Mahatma Gandhi

One has a moral responsibility to disobey unjust laws.
Martin Luther King Jr.

Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience.
Howard Zinn

SO, we the people of British Columbia are protesting this forced imprisonment of people by a lawful protest come Sunday, the 26th of April 2020 at English Bay, Vancouver, at 2 PM.

This letter will be shared in public to spread awareness of this potential anti-national role being played by the Government.

I invite you, as responsible and conscientious citizens of Canada, residents of British Columbia and sworn public servant, to join the event and lend us your support in protesting this act of violence by the Government in subversion of democracy and constitutional rights of the people.

Date: 26th April, 2020 – Sunday.
Place, outside Cactus Club, English Bay, Vancouver.
Time: 2 PM

Thanking you
Tony Mitra, 10891 Cherry Lane, Delta, BC, V4E 3L7, Canada,

A few flyers by me: