McGill, Glyphosate, biodiversity and gluten

A McGill university newsroom article identifies glyphosate as a chemical agent that can decimate biodiversity of the planet. It claims that while the ecosystem would adapt and adjust to the onslaught of glyphosate, the adjusted equilibrium would arrive at a cost of much reduced biodiversity. This means, the planet would lose many species of living creatures from micro organisms, to plants and animals. Also, a thus adjusted planet with fewer variety of life would be more vulnerable to further pollution and degradation of environment.

For link to the article – click here. Contact: Shirley Cardenas, Organization: McGill University Email: Office Phone: 514-398-6751 Mobile Phone: 514-594-6877

The article is noteworthy. The problem, unfortunately, is that such articles rarely result in triggering any re-investigation or review of our practice of weed control in agriculture, forestry, meadows or residential areas. For every article that points to possible dangers of using glyphosate, ten more appear claiming it is safe. And, if one digs diligently, the ones raising alarm are by and large from independent sources, while the glyphosate-is-safe reports are by and large coming out of reports funded and controlled by the industry that benefits from the production and sale of glyphosate. So, there is bias and conflict of interest involved. Unfortunately, in todays world, there this conflict of interest is an accepted fact and very little of the free press remains in the main stream media. The McGill news is an internal publication and not considered main stream media.

The picture above came to me from the east coast. in 2016 winter, addressed in an earlier blog. Wild life is disappearing, but before that, it is being born deformed in many ways, one of which is easily observable, but a severe mismatch between upper and lower jaws, so the animal cannot even forage properly. Other defects make it infertile or having compromised fertility so it is unable to produce viable offsprings that can survive. Other problems are the animal brains too are affected and they are not as alert and careful to avoid dangers such as a predator or a human hunter. All these combine to bring on extinction of big game. Similar issues are silently finishing off smaller creatures we do not even notice. All of them however are also indications of our own impending doom.

Glyphosate concentration in run off is astronomically high. And yet, it is supposed to be acceptable. How ? Because the accepted limits are elastic. They are changed to accommodate ever rising levels of glyphosate in various samples, from different kinds of food, to the soil, water and air around us. No matter how high the level goes, the acceptable levels are accordingly raised to make it acceptable. This is an extreme example of perpetual shifting of the goal post.

Above is a figure that highlights part of the problem. I put the two red arrows to indicate how different the levels of glyphosate contamination is in run off in British Columbia, Canada. If you think this is the worst, it is not. Check identical data in other parts of Canada and the US and you will conclude that there is no place on earth as toxic as North America.

The market meanwhile tries to make a profit out of any situation. Gluten and Gluten-free food are one example. Glyphosate is the culprit that is behind the damage of microbiome that causes a gastro-intestinal problems and resultant illnesses that make people unable to digest or tolerate gluten in food. Instead of accepting the root cause and then eliminating glyphosate contamination, the food industry and their paid nutrition experts have been going overboard advising people how bad it is to eat gluten, and being gluten intolerant is not a bad thing at all. Best way to deal with this is to avoid gluten like the plague. A slew of new kinds of food is now appearing – gluten-free.

Not just that. The industry has somehow managed to twist the story and turned it into a health fad issue. This means, even if you are not gluten intolerant, you should still avoid gluten. because gluten makes you fat, makes you ugly, Because it is fashionable to be eating gluten free food etc etc.

Of course, you pay a lot more money for gluten free food. And what is it? it is normal food, with high nutrition including gluten has been processed. Gluten with all its nutrition values have been taken out. And in the process, glyphosate has been added to it. And then it is sold to you at a premium.

Just think about it. The very element – glyphosate – that gave you the illness and gluten intolerance, is now being pumped into you in greater quantity, through gluten-free food. The one thing that you need to remove from your diet, you are now eating a higher dose of. All this in the name of fashion and modernism. And even if your gut bacteria colony – microbiome – was not damaged, even if you were healthy and had no issues in digesting gluten, you are now coaxed, in the name of fashion, not only to reject gluten, but also to eat processed food that gives you more glyphosate, which in turn will make you ill as well as gluten intolerant.

And the tragedy is – gluten intolerance is only one side effect of a damaged microbiome. It is not by any means the worst. Your immune system is being shot to hell, and you are more vulnerable to all kinds of ailments, because of this anti-gluten fetish instead of an anti-glyphosate stand. Welcome to a world of distorted reality.

And all the while, the planet is being flushed down the toilet.