Faraday bags in the age of covid

The Age of Covid has spawned a number of new items for the thinking man. Many of them are now aware of the real possibility of a systemic collapse staring us in the face in near time.

This group includes people who have taken the covid vaccine, as well as those that have not taken it and refuse to take it even if they lose their jobs and are willing to go to prison instead of take an injection into their body against their will. Both these groups now understand that a collapse is round the corner.

People who came to this realisation and wish to protect themselves, not from covid, but from this impending collapse, are beginning to get organised in small groups, away from the limelight.

These people are forming localised survival cells. I have been invited to three such cell meetings within driving distance from my home. They congregate once a week and not necessarily on weekends. I found it a bit difficult to attend three different cell meetings each week so have dropped one and am still attending two. Each group comprises of different people. Some are primarily elder ly people, mostly white local Canadians and immigrants from Europe or Australia, myself being a sort of exception.

Other groups are mostly younger, totally mixed, ethnically, culturally, linguistically and on religious affiliation or agnosticism. Here too I am sort of an exception, being 71+ in age.

All these groups want me to join and help them teach a few essential skills that they believe I have developed over the years – i.e. how to grow food, how to sprout food, and how to preserve perishable food without refrigeration.

These survival cells share a lot of important skills available to the members. I might be able to access a doctor who would visit me if needed under this systemic collapse where hospitals might close door or refuse service to the those without a vaccine passport. Some might be able to repair your car or the roof of your house, free of charge, when money no more has any value and normal day to day activities become very difficult to conduct.

One thing that has emerge among the byproducts in this age of covid – is a Faraday bag. This is a container, either metallic but more commonly of fabric, which is sprayed or woven with silver, gold or copper and will block all electromagnetic signals either entering or leaving it. It comes in all shapes and sizes, but the most popular one is where it is large enough for your hand phone and small enough to still fit in your pocket or you hand bag. We attend these meetings with the phone in such a bag, if we cannot leave it back home.

Why ? So that google or any surveillance app in the phone cannot silently track our movement or record out talks. This is part of the same protection system which prevents the folks from disclosing existence of identity of the cells or their members.