Do lliberals detest Ayaan Hirsi Ali?

Why do liberals detest Ayaan so much?
Trump, Modi and the Saudi prince provide a clue

Some of these musings might end up as subchapters of a book – a non fiction and likely my analysis of the goings on around the world, only some of which I understand or can write about. Some I do not understand and will be hard pressed to explain let alone analyse. Now I am trying to hone my writing and analytical skills here, and treading through uncharted waters. Same time, storing some of the writings.

So,  why so much of Ayaan Hirsi Ali and why so much of Islamic terror or intolerance? Well, more I observe the global goings on, most of it coming out skewed through a highly biased press system and media outlet, appears to me to be tell tale signs of various kinds of impending doom that might synchronise and unsettle human civilisation as we know it.

Climate change, and food security, and a tsunami of ill-health will combine with incessant war mongering that brings the conflict out of the TV screen and closer to everyone’s home. And finally, an assertive Islam faces and equally assertive resistance, where the resistance if a mind set that wishes to retire all religions to the museum, and Islam tries to establish one religion and one god for all.

This super conflict, all of it man made, is going to wrench the world. The first and second world wars were about Europeans jostling for right to control more of the world. There has been a long time without conflict of that scale. Instead we have had continuous low level warfare in specific regions far away from the west, but with active participation of the west – for almost three generations now. Having a war somewhere far off, has become acceptable to the western mind set. Most do not think about it at all in their day to day work.

But, the war is going to change shape and get a lot closer to western homes in my analysis.

Back to Ayaan Hirsi Ali. Christopher Hitchens wrote –

“Here is the story of a young African woman, born into Islam, who was given every possible occasion to feel grievance, resentment and humiliation yet who has employed her own life as an example of internationalism, tolerance, multiculturalism and the redemption of others. Her humour and irony and fortitude constitute the finest counterpoint to the surly cult of death that presses itself against us. For me, the three most beautiful words in the emerging language of secular resistance to tyranny are Ayaan Hirsi Ali.

Secular resistance?

What did Hitchens mean by secular resistance ? I cannot help but try to superimpose that term over say what is happening in Europe with regard to Muslim immigrants, or what is happening in India with regard to protesting CAA.

In India, those that are protesting are mostly the Muslims. Those that are supporting them on main stream and social media – are leftists and liberals. They seem to tout the term “secularism” like a mantra, and accuse the BJP government of moving away from it and towards some sort of religious totalitarianism.

But, though Hitchens is now dead and cannot be asked to clarify, I do believe that what he meant by secular resistance is the opposite of what the liberals are saying in India. This “secular resistance” is supposed to be against Islamic intolerance, not Hindu totalitarianism. In fact, from Hitchens’ point of view, what BJP and the government is doing in India is actually representing secular resistance to Islamic intolerance.

This probably is a good example of how the same text can be conveniently used by parties on opposite sides of the line in the sand, to their advantage. So much for Secular resistance.

Do liberals hate Ayaan Hirsi Ali ?

I have developed a sort of bad habit. Instead of typing liberal, my fingers seem programmed to type pseudo-liberal, although the new term involves far more key strikes. Anyhow, I see a lot of scathing attack on Ayaan Hirsi Ali from the liberal clan in the US. I am not certain of all the reasons, but can identify at least three of them.

Liberals actually hate Trump more than they hate almost anyone or anything else. Except if you are an Indian liberal. In this case, you replace Trump with Modi. You hate Modi than anybody ever born anywhere.

But back to Trump – the problem here is really sticky. Ayaan Hirsi Ali supports some actions of Trump. In particular, she supports Trump’s ideas of keeping intolerant, militant type that reek of Islamic terror – away from USA. In the process, if the US institutions are unable to separate a good Muslim from a bad one in some countries, then Trump prefers to ban all Muslims from those countries. This is the policy that Ayaan Hirsi Ali supports about Trump. And she has walked the walk on Islamic terror, before she talked the talk.

And since the liberals, some like to call them Neoliberal, hate Trump more than anything and anybody else, and since Ayaan Hirsi Ali supports what these Neoliberals think and absolutely unacceptable side of Trump – painting all Muslims with the same brush as long as you are from certain suspect countries – the liberals have a powerful reason to hate the guts of Ayaan Hirsi Ali. Point number one of why they hate her so much.

Saudi Arabia’s crown prince young Mohammed bin Salman. Well, Saudi Arabia is the epitome of Islamic intolerance and highhandedness, isn’t it? They did not even allow women folk to drive till very recently, and possibly only with a male escort present.

Anyhow, Saudi Arabia represents the worst example of male chauvinism and intolerant Islam that denies women any rights above being a pet animal. A husband can slap a wife in front of their children – this is to teach the children that women need to be kept in their place. Liberals hate this stuff. So they have reason enough to hate Saudi Arabia.

But Ayaan Hirsi Ali threw a spanner into this logic, by actually supporting the young prince Mohammed bin Salman, for starting the process of reforming not only the Saudi society and regulations, but also perception of Islam with regard to people of other religions and women folk. Saudi Arabia has a long way to go – but the young prince has made the first steps towards taking the country to meet up with the rest of the world somewhere in future. Ayaan Hirsi Ali appreciates and publicly supported that.

So what do the liberals do now? They decided to hate Ayaan Hirsi Ali some more. Go figure.

The most serious crime that, according to the liberals, Ayaan has committed is that she asks USA to ban Islam till it can be proven that the religions has been reformed and has learned to treat every human, including women and including those of other faiths and those that are atheists and do not at all believe in God, are all treated absolutely equally and the texts about needing to convert or kill or harm nonbelievers are removed from its text and all preachers reprogrammed.

Result ? Liberals absolutely hate Ayaan Hirsi Ali now.

Again – go figure.

But as one of my friends asked on social media, do all supporters of Trump actually like him for specific policies or do they like him because he so pisses of the liberals.

Pissing off the liberals is a quality that Trump seems to have in the US, and Modi seems to have in India.

And now, Ayaan Hirsi Ali is touted as becoming an anti-Muslim mouthpiece and a despicable Trump follower.

Well – go figure.

I wonder if this deserves to be a subchapter – why the liberals so hate Ayaan Hirsi Ali?


Are US warmongering and illegal immigration joined at the hip?

Many articles of the mainstream are covering Donal Trump’s to-do list.

I have read through quite a few of them, and decided to write this blog covering something that I wished the mainstream would address. There are mainly two items of importance here – one is what all these “Trump Special” articles avoids mentioning, and another, the the most visible and incessantly discussed one – illegal immigrantion.

1) What the mainstream media seems to consciously and deliberately sidesteps and keeps out of public view – is US Warmongering. There is in my view no other topic, other than climate change and the sixth mass extinction now ongoing, that is more important and relevant, not just to the American society, its politics, culture, and its economics, but to the whole planet. Trump has mentioned, whether he means it or not – a wish to de-escalae and step back from constant militarism and doctrine of a perpetual war. I find it mind-boggling, that Washington Post or other mainstream media do not even mention it.

The issue of climate change, the age of anthropocene and the impending catastrophe to the living planet is not part of this blog, but shall cover it in just three sentences. a) Trump says he does not believe in climate change. b) The democrats, the liberal media and the rest of the “aware” population makes a show of being aware of it (they are not), but are as much in denial of truth as Trump, and are prepared to do absolutely nothing about it except provide lip service, tokenism and hypocrisy. The planet is going to cook itself whether the deniers of the pretenders have sway.

2) The second, and often the most visible one, is about deporting illegal immigrants that have a criminal record. There has been a hysteria raised against Trump as a racist, xenophobic and what not, because he said he would erect a wall to stop further illegal immigration, and would deport all that are undocumented and same time committed certain crimes in the US.

Just think of it – almost every nation that I know, has some sort of a system that promotes restricted legal immigration (some do not even allow that), and prevents within its means any illegal immigration. I am yet to see any major country that promotes a fully open border for outsiders to come and take jobs from locals, and also free to commit crime without threat of deportation.

Many many countries erect walls to keep unwanted people from coming in. The most classic case of inhuman activity might be in occupied Palestine, where Israel erected walls so locals themselves cannot freely move in their own country, so that the stolen land can be freely used by Israeli citizens without the bother of having to see disgruntled Palestinians.

India has erected walls and tall fences and guard posts along border with Pakistan and Bangladesh, to keep illegal immigrants and potential terrorists from entering. Many countries do that.

But this article essentially tries to claim that the US economy depends on illegal immigration. This is really startling.

This may be a tacit acceptance of the corporate culture that prefers to employ undocumented workers who will accept lower wages and demand less support than local citizens would. Therefore, products and services can be cheaper with illegal immigrants even if that results in unemployment for the locals.

Not just that. If the nation stopped this practice, and the jobs went back to locals, the cost is likely to rise and perhaps make things even more difficult to run.

There is one related issue here that is kept hidden. This illegal employment and suppression of wages should not be necessary for the “richest” country on the planet. So where is the money going, if locals cannot even be hired with respectable wages?

The money is going to feed this perpetual war machine, taking half of all US tax money.

That is why the war mongering cannot be mentioned, and that is why the US economy has gotten used to hiring illegal immigrants at dirt poor wages at the expense of local and legal citizens.

I may not be a Nobel prize winning economist – but in absence of any mainstream covering these issues – I do what best I can, thinking this trough and trying to make sense.

And Trump had hinted at these, though not with bullet points. I do not fault Trump for it, because nobody else – not even Bernie Sanders seem to have the necessary number of family jewels to spell this out.

Tony Mitra

Should EPA be shut down by Trump?

The article above wonders if Trump could be dismantling the EPA, based on talks of him employing a Reagan era official, Anne Grouch Buford, who reportedly wanted to shut down the EPA.

The question is raised withe background of fossil fuel industry against green energy. The EPA, it is supposed here, were considered to be an obstacle to expansion of the oil and coal industry.

I however, have a wholly different take on the EPA. That comes from my concern relating to herbicides approved by the EPA for use in agriculture in general, and approval of glyphosate in particuler. EPA is the institution that has approved all the harmful pesticides and herbicides in agriculture while still hiding their safety test documents from the people.

It is the institution that exerts its influence on other nations to follow suit. I for one am sick of hearing our own ministry of health bragging about ‘working closely’ with US-EPA.

I have made a podcast with recently retired EPA scientist Vallianatos who describes EPA to be so corrupt that it cannot be cleaned up and should be completely shut down and something else rebuilt in its place. He wrote a book on this – Poison Spring.

I do not know what it does with regard to the environment, but one thing I do know, is that the Environment Protection Agency does everything BUT protect the environment.

And EPA is polluting not just USA, but by extension the rest of the world as well.

Readers might consider getting hold of this book and read it. I have.

You can hear Dr. Vallianatos here:

NATO may be brain dead

RT Report says NATO is rethinking a scenario where US under Trump might pull out from Europe.

Far as I think, NATO should seriously mull this scenario and Trump should consider de-escalation of warmongering, and also tell Trudeau to stop selling weapons to Saudi Arabia. Everybody should go home and spend that money on local jobs and infrastructure. Russia is not a devil and war mongering should not be the only way to grow an economy and Corporatocracy should not be the only policy for nation states.

Enough already.

The German defence minister says Trump to be firm with Russia as NATO stood by the US after 9/11. Well, with all due respect, I do not know what Germany means by standing by the US after 9/11. US falsely attacked Iraq which had less than zero involvement in 9/11 and ended up killing a million people of Iraq. What is the meaning of Germany standing by the US, please explain – Germany. And Russia is not the bully. You are allowing US missiles to be placed on German soil aimed at Russia – you are the puppet of USA threatening Russia you moron. You deserve to have Russia placing their missiles aimed at you. Are you completely devoid of rational thinking ? Soviet Union had a gripe against you on two counts:
1) It was ideological – communism thought capitalism needed to be defeated, everywhere. But Russia today is not communist.
2) Germany had invaded Russia twice, in WWI and WWII. You were the aggressor each time and cause massive damage and death to Russia. Russia has a historical justification to be suspicious of you. And now you are adding fuel to the fire – you bunch of morons !!

I seriously think NATO and the German political clan under Angela Merkel might be brain dead.

The decline and fall of mainstream media

Ten years ago, I used to subscribe to, or read often, daily and weekly news outlets such as Financial Times, International Herald Tribune, New York Times, Washington Post, The New Yorker, Time magazine, Newsweek, New York Times etc, as well as many other sources, and web sites, blogs and the social media.

I slowly stopped subscribing and reading the mainstream, as began to realize that these vaunted news sources were not real news, but market manipulations and perceptions of some of the writers, all of whom were stuck to a few universally accepted ideas that I was beginning to doubt – that constant rise of GDP measured in an unsustainable yardstick was the first and only measure of development, that constant upward development was a must, that only news was financial news, war news, sports news, or trivia.

In the last few months, I got thoroughly disappointed by almost all major news sources as I could clearly and plainly see that it was engaging in a concentrated attack on Donal Trump for minor or trivial issues, inflating them and turning him into a demon, while giving the nasty deeds of Obama-Hillary a total pass. I found it increasingly difficult to take any of these news sources seriously.

I came to realize another factor – the Democratic party of Hillary was far to the right of Donald Trump, and in fact, Hillary was likely more a fascist than Trump himself. And yet, even Jill Stein was identifying Trump as the fascist instead of Hillary! The world was gradually turning upside down and black was being painted white and vice versa.

I used to be an instinctive Democratic party supporter, somehow influenced in my school days by the charm of John & Jacqueline Kennedy. But I began to understand, now, that my fixation with the “liberal” wing was kind of wrong because the liberals were pretend liberals, and dishonest to boot.

I came to understand in the last fifteen years, the real dangers of removing the glass-steigel act and implementing NAFTA, the de-linking of currency from gold, and the ability of western economies to create vast amounts of money out of thin air, without any backing, and that all money thus created were in essence counterfeit money, legalized by state governments.

I came to understand the real goals behind the agendas of IMF and the world bank, and the reason WTO failed and the new drive for the west to create regional trade agreement so that difficult components and nations could be bypassed, thus writing down TPP and many other such localized trade deals, all of them designed to make money for multinational corporations and hurt local labour forces and remove the rights of nations to resist these efforts.

Dwight D. Eisenhower

I also came to understand that the war mongering of the US government was more a democratic party gift than a republican one. I remembered that the only ex-president that warned the American people of the threat posed by an all consuming military industrial complex was Dwight Eisenhower, a republican and not a democrat. I also came to understand how the one living Democratic ex-president that to me appeared to be morally straight and willing to call a spade a spade – Jimmy Carter, would denounce Israel’s apartheid policies in his book with regard to the treatment of Palestinians and US governments incestuous relationship with Israel. He identify USA not as a democracy any more, but as an oligarch with unlimited bribery. And now, the democratic party was trying to create as much distance as it could, with Jimmy Carter.

I found it hard to identify reliable news sources anywhere. Aljazeera english remained an interesting alternative, but it was way too far leaned towards Soudi and Qatar Governments and their obnoxious record in human rights and anti-shia blood letting and joining hands with Israel and the US to create a phoney civil war in Syria so the war machine can continue rolling.

I even found google news to be heavily biassed in favour of Hillary and I had to seriously fine tune google news asking it to specifically restrict sources like New York Times, Washington Post and the like.

I now find it amusing that The New York Times is asking me, here, to get back on board and start subscribing again….

Hahhhhh …. not a chance, buddy, you are not a news outlet. You and most others here are all paddlers. What I see is the death of mainstream news, replaced by rubble and a few paddlers, and a promising grassroots movement of a mass of citizen journalists mushrooming up through the social media.

Thought I’d move all these from ranting on Facebook, into a blog.