Revitalising Gardening soil without industrial chemicals

The title looks uninteresting, but I thought this is a good thing to post about, for amateur gardeners, to prepare for a future in making homegrown food without support of Industry.

So here is what was happening that I wrote about a few days ago.

Clearing a sixth of a small potato bed,

This section of the potato bed was cleared. Apart from checking the tuber growth and deciding if the rest of the bed should be also cleared and potatoes all harvested, I had a few other goals. First was to check if the two kinds of potato planted there, red skinned Norland potato and white skinned Yukon gold, can co-exist. The other goal was to create space for planting a few of my trailing left alone remaining tomato plants still languishing in small pots with nowhere else to go – like homeless plants.

After removing potatoes and the soil, I crumpled and placed the uprooted plants at the bottom, right above the wood.

The original bed had multiple layers of organic matter, to supply slowly composting nutrients to the potato plants. As the soil was dug up, all the greens had vanished and turned into brown soil. However, the nutrients were mostly used up, I presume, by the potato. And potato belongs to the same group – nightshade – as tomatoes. This means tomatoes will looks for the same nutrients that potato is expected to have taken off the composted soil. This is why they say you should rotate the crop, and plant legumes where nightshades were grown one year, to help fix the nitrogen etc.

But I decided to rotate the soil and not necessarily the crop type, here in this mini-patch. So I removed all the soil and kept it aside, and first buried the potato plants themselves, to provide the next cycle of compost.

Meanwhile, harvested potatoes were set aside for study and consumption

The harvested potatoes proved a few things such as:
These two kinds of potatoes do not fight each under and can coexist. I presume this is because they are too closely linked genetically and recognise each other as friend rather than foe. This is not the case with Russian purple potato. They will fight each other, like H=hyena and lions in the African plains, the outcome depending on who has the greater mass. In the potato wars, if Russian potatoes outnumber the Canadian version, it will kill the Canadian varieties. If it is the other way around, the Russian potatoes will be killed.

I was happy to note that Canadians don’t fight Canadians. Nonetheless, I could see it is not a great idea to plant them together, since each needs its own separate level of watering. Therefore, you can either underwater one kind of overwater the other. Also, they have different stages of growth.

But, in a fix, the two can be planted, either in their own corner, or totally mixed. They will survive.

Lesson learned.

Then came the old uprooted weeds, partly browned in the sun and partly rotting, due rain.

The next layer was old uprooted weeds that I did not throw away but kept bundled in a corner. They partly dried out in the strong sun, and partly started rotting when heavy rains made them soggy. Bacteria were already at work, along with lots of worms, insects and smaller micro-organisms. They were all busy recycling the organic matter, the essentials of composting.

So now I had partly composted wood at bottom, with crumpled fresh greens (potato plants just uprooted) and then semi browned and semi rotted weeds, mixed with minimum quantity of soil that came along with the pulled weeds.

Next, placing a thin layer of composed soil and then placing the tomato pots, to check how much more compost was needed here to raise the level to the top of the pots, before transplanting.

I had the get the level right, so that when the plants are taken out of the pots and transplanted here, the level of soil would be right and n line with the lower half of the plants. Not a rocket science, but this is how I do it. I fill composted soil till the plastic part of the pots are buried, then take the plants out of the pots and place them in the hollow.

What surprised me were the number of works that wriggled out from the bottom of these potted tomatoes in the pot. How on earth they got there, is a puzzle. That’s nature, for you.

Meanwhile I bagged the potatoes harvested and passed it to wife
Washed and ready for later cooking.

Cucubrita ID

I have a strange but positive issue with the cucubrita family. This family includes pumpkins, squash, zucchini, cucumbers etc.

You see, I grow a lot of them, cook and eat them, and also pressure can and preserve those that I cannot eat in time. In the process, I cut and clean them before cooking or canning. I separate the seeds and preserve them. But, a few seeds escape the separation, or are knowingly discarded because they appear thin or somehow unappealing. So, all these left over seeds end up with the pulp and often into my vermicompost bin. A few times, it gets recycled by going out from the bin on to my garden beds. A few times the composted soil containing the bins spill over and land outside of vegetable beds.

What is interesting, is that much of these seeds remain alive and viable. So, at the right time in the season, they suddenly sprout, in unexpected places. How unexpected? Well, they crop up on the ground in my backyard, or in corners of vegetable beds designed for other plants such as tomatoes. They even sprout inside my vermicompost bin.

Since they produce food – dense and nutritious food, and I like them, I do not like to kill these suddenly appeared sprouts. Given a chance I transplant them to a proper bed, or try to let them grow right on the ground, if it is not in my walk path.

One that grew on the ground next to my vegeie beds

Now, the thing is, all these cucubrita plants looks somewhat similar when they first sprout. Their primary leaves that point down while pushing through the soil by their “shoulder”, usually yellow in colour, looks nearly indistinguishable, except perhaps in their size. For example, a cucumber seed is similar shaped but smaller, so the original sprouted leaves are also smaller. So, I usually do not know what kind of plant this will be, within the family. But by the time secondary leaves come out and starts growing, the distinctions appears. Each of these leaves have their own unique pattern. I can more or less identify proper pumpkins, although there are way too many varieties within pumpkins themselves. Then there are the squash varieties, a huge diversified group. Then there are gourds, cucumbers etc.

Sometimes I just don’t know and cannot guess that kind of a cucubrita this one will be, partly because we also get hybrids that did not exist in my garden before and I am not particularly aware of the types.

What kind of a cucubrita is this one ?

Ukraine – the Truth Videos


Here are a few useful links. I thought I might list them here before they vanish

DuckHK – An immigrant from (I think) Hong Kong but settled in Canada. A very astute young man. He has a number of videos. Here is one where he covers Ukraine as well as the Vandalism and desecration of the Vancouver Russian Cultural Centre.
Another 4 minute piece from the same kid, about the mother who dad to drive 4000 km from Ontario to BC to attend a funeral and had a horrible accident, because they are not allowed to fly.

Gonzalo Lira
This is another interesting guy. He was born in Chile, South America. He did his studies in the US. I think he has a PhD on something, though not sure. He wrote a book in the US, not sure on what topic. He now lives in Kharkov, Ukraine, where he has a wife and kids and is a businessman of some kind there. His take from within Ukraine is quite unique.

Stew Peters
A strong worded narrator from the right of centre USA, he might appear sort of hyperbolic, but he has his data right. He has spoken at the AFPAC conferences (America First Political Action Conference). Folks might like to keep a track on him. Here is a sample.

Yours truly Tony
Here is my rant – why I do not stand with Ukraine on Odysee :

Thats it for now. If you like it, leave a message below.
Tony Mitra

Letter to Governor General of Canada

To: The Office of the Governor General of Canada
Dated : Friday 11th of February 2022
Subject : No confidence in Prime Minister Justin Trudeau

Respected Governor General Ms Mary Simon

First, I would like to explain why I do not use titles as Your Excellency or Right Honourable when addressing you. I believe these are throwbacks of a feudal era of the British Empire where people of title were automatically regarded as superior humans than the commoner. To me, this is a distortion and counter productive for a functioning democracy where officials are supposed to serve the people and not lord over them. Also, calling someone Excellency implies he or she is my ruler such as a king or queen. You are neither and I do not pledge allegiance to fight to protect your honour. Quite the opposite, I expect your office to fight to protect my rights. In a functioning democracy, public is the master and the officials are public servants. Finally, addressing any government official as Honourable leaves the disrespectful implication that the public is somehow dishonourable. So, for all these reasons, you are, in my judgement to be addressed as Respected Governor General Ms Simon. The “respect” is to the important position you hold, but that respect is subject to your action. In other words, it needs to be earned and not demanded.

This letter is penned by me following the general lines of a sample letter circulating on social media for Canadians that are disappointed with the performance of Prime Minister Trudeau, and wishes to see the back of him. I have modified the original to better suit my opinion.

Justin Trudeau is not just a failure as a representative of the people and the leader of our Government. He appears to take guidance from overseas entities that are not elected by Canadians and is engaged in thoroughly and near permanently ruining Canada socially, economically, medically, and democratically, all based on unproven third party hearsay. He and his crony parliamentarians have actively thwarted and shut down attempts of citizens like myself, to demand that Canada conducts independent, in-house, transparent and verifiable assessment of all covid restrictions and prove to the Canadian people that these measures stand up on scientific basis.

Not only that, he makes a mockery of science by cherry picking what reports serve his purpose, and severely suppresses dissent in science – thereby turning himself more as a Stalinist arm of propaganda than anything that remotely resembles real science. He has also helped corrupt the media so thoroughly that their reports are worth little.

He is violating the rights of the people. He unleashes draconian laws under a emergency act that in itself should be illegal without public feedback and public access to both sides of an argument. I am aware that your office has signed these anti-people acts and have thus authenticated and helped enforce them. I hope you shall realise the implication of the actions of your office in legitimising such acts.

Lastly, much of this has been made possible because Canada does not have a proper constitution, either provincially or federally, that is composed for the people and ratified by the people. Lamentably, all political parties shy away from mentioning this serious drawback in our democracy, preferring the status quo so the parliament can hold sway over the people in passing ever harsher laws disenfranchising the citizens.

The Prime Minister then uses extremely hateful comments against people that disagree with him, trying to seriously divide the people and enticing violence by one group of people against the other. For this alone, he should be in prison.

He is unfit to serve any country in any capacity, least of all as a Prime Minister of Canada.

I shall await to see what, if any, action is taken by your office upon receipt of this letter.

Since I am not sure if your office will at all respond to this message, I also intend to to the following:
1) Read it out loud on a video and then circulating and sharing it widely among the citizens of the planet.
2) Send a copy to the Prime Minister of Canada as well as many members of Parliament and my local MLAs of British Columbia, for their reference.

I believe the working class of this nation is at the cusp of a general uprising against elite that runs the Government. This sentiment cuts across race, language, gender, and political alliances. It is likely the first ever global uprising in a mass struggle between the blue collar and the elites who captured all Governments and intend to rule the serfs by top down diktat. I remain hopeful that your office will recognise the winds of change, and act accordingly.



Tony Mitra
10891 Cherry Lane, Delta, BC, V4E 3L7, Canada, 604-6497535

Common Loon

The iconic bird of Canada that is on it’s dollar sign. Hence it is also called a “loonie”. In summer, it can be found on lakes and large bodies of water all across the Canadian mainland. Its breeding plumage is spectacular. ITs haunting mating calls carry an unearthly ring and can be heard for miles, long before you can see the bird through the morning mist over the water.


In colder months it moves to the coastal waters of both the east and west coast of North America and can be found as north as the Aleutian islands off Alaska, and also the inland waters of the American southeast, such as Florida and its adjacent states.

It is present year round in some small pockets, in British Columbia, Canada. I am fortunate to be living in one such pocket, at the sourthern tip of British Columbia, just above the border with USA.

Faraday bags in the age of covid

The Age of Covid has spawned a number of new items for the thinking man. Many of them are now aware of the real possibility of a systemic collapse staring us in the face in near time.

This group includes people who have taken the covid vaccine, as well as those that have not taken it and refuse to take it even if they lose their jobs and are willing to go to prison instead of take an injection into their body against their will. Both these groups now understand that a collapse is round the corner.

People who came to this realisation and wish to protect themselves, not from covid, but from this impending collapse, are beginning to get organised in small groups, away from the limelight.

These people are forming localised survival cells. I have been invited to three such cell meetings within driving distance from my home. They congregate once a week and not necessarily on weekends. I found it a bit difficult to attend three different cell meetings each week so have dropped one and am still attending two. Each group comprises of different people. Some are primarily elder ly people, mostly white local Canadians and immigrants from Europe or Australia, myself being a sort of exception.

Other groups are mostly younger, totally mixed, ethnically, culturally, linguistically and on religious affiliation or agnosticism. Here too I am sort of an exception, being 71+ in age.

All these groups want me to join and help them teach a few essential skills that they believe I have developed over the years – i.e. how to grow food, how to sprout food, and how to preserve perishable food without refrigeration.

These survival cells share a lot of important skills available to the members. I might be able to access a doctor who would visit me if needed under this systemic collapse where hospitals might close door or refuse service to the those without a vaccine passport. Some might be able to repair your car or the roof of your house, free of charge, when money no more has any value and normal day to day activities become very difficult to conduct.

One thing that has emerge among the byproducts in this age of covid – is a Faraday bag. This is a container, either metallic but more commonly of fabric, which is sprayed or woven with silver, gold or copper and will block all electromagnetic signals either entering or leaving it. It comes in all shapes and sizes, but the most popular one is where it is large enough for your hand phone and small enough to still fit in your pocket or you hand bag. We attend these meetings with the phone in such a bag, if we cannot leave it back home.

Why ? So that google or any surveillance app in the phone cannot silently track our movement or record out talks. This is part of the same protection system which prevents the folks from disclosing existence of identity of the cells or their members.

Neighbours will do you in

It was the day before yesterday, on the 14th of December, that I decided to put on record my view that – under the covid based mass hypnosis, hysteria and mortal fear, the public is being programmed, incrementally, to hate us, the unvaccinated, so much, that the day is coming soon when the government will not have to send their police to grab us – out neighbours will beat us to death or burn us out of our homes.

This is the nightmare that faces us, in Canada and everywhere. But this will not happen everywhere at the same time. Some people will be influenced by propaganda sooner than others. In these countries and regions, the doomsday will arrive earlier. In other nations, later. But the ultimate destination remains the same, for everybody.

Unfortunately, in my assessment, this witch hunt against the few remaining skeptics of the official narrative, will be the first, but not the last target of public cruelty against its own people, even the very people that are risking their lives to protect what remains of their society, their democracy and the freedom of people. These vaccine skeptics are merely the first group, who appear to be a minor inconvenience in the path of global control of public opinion. I see this coming.

But ultimately, the global human society is being subverted to live under a single group of dictators, under which all national governments will function as collaborating local warlords.

In many ways, the current thin sliver of population, perhaps one in every thousand, all across the world, face a future a thousand fold more stark and cruel than what the Jews faced  in the 1930s and 40’s while Germany was under the However, this time around, extermination of the vaccine skeptics is not the final solution, but merely a tiny initial step to an unprecedentedly hazardous journey. The end result remains unpredictable, but extremely threatening, with no resemblance to anything anywhere on earth.


My video on Rumble, explaining my prediction

So, here are a small faction of the society, the tiny minority, that refuse to follow the order about covid and especially its voluntary vaccine. The vaccine itself is voluntary, meaning we have legal rights to either agree to take this injection, or decline to take it. Also, voluntary means that we assume all the risk if we are damaged by the vaccine or otherwise inconvenienced, or if we find that the vaccine does not give us the protection from infection that we thought it should. We cannot sue the vaccine maker, the doctor or nurse, the healthcare system or our governments for any damage or hardship we might face as a consequence of having taken the vaccine. Our relatives will not have the right to seek legal compensation should we die through adverse reaction of any of these injections. Why not” Because we voluntarily agreed to take the shot without an coercion, assuming full responsibility of any consequence. Strangely, or perhaps predictably, this voluntary vaccine has not been made indirectly mandatory. You either agree to take the injection at your own rick, or you will be prevented from leading a normal life. You shall be restricted, barred, prevented from moving freely, congregating with other people, and essentially be jailed in your own home for the rest of your life.

To cap it off, I now see how the rest f the population, including our neighbours – the same people I shared by neighbourhood with for the last twenty years, are being programmed to hate us because we have not been vaccinated. They are being taught to believe that we are endangering their lives and the lives of their children, pushing them into the danger of getting covid, although they are themselves vaccinated, simply because we refuse to do so.

I see a future where our neighbours will not just hate us, but will actually engage in driving us out of our homes and off our neighbourhood, by beating us, burning our homes, or even shooting us dead if need be, in a frenzy of public killing, because we are perceived to be a threat to our neighbours for refusing to vaccinate ourselves.

We are slated to become Jesus Christ, or Joan of Arc, because of our beliefs and the drummed up notion that our reasoning and decision on covid vaccine based on our judgment. More importantly, we must be killed because we are offering to show the light, and the truth, to what we think are misguided good people under influence of powerful shadow groups that have taken control of all avenues of communication and got an iron grip on manufacturing and guiding of public opinion.

I hope my perception is wrong, and that people will learn to love instead of hate each other, that people will stop destroying society from within. However, if I am right, I prefer to place my views on record. In case I too am martyred, at least my words might survive this new age holocaust.

However, I am also convinced that extermination or silencing of dissent about the vaccine is by no means the final solution – but merely the first tentative step towards an end that as way more frightening than Dante’s inferno.

I have described by views on the video as attached. But I intend to write it here as well …so wait till my blog is completed. ….

Meanwhile you are free to leave your comments below. I understand this is a controversial topic and many may hate me for jotting these words down. However, truth as I see it from my perspective is what I am writing about, as long as that part of the free speech is not yet muzzled.

Big cabbage – why did I get one?

This is the first time I succeeded in germinating cabbage, cauliflower and broccoli from seeds in numbers, and same time managed to grow them to big size without pest attack. The pest attack issue was so serious that I had almost given up on them. But finally I  learned to rig taken copper wires along my raised beds, attached to a 9V battery, causing an electrical barrier to slugs, and same time designing giant mosquito nets to prevent moths from laying eggs on the leaves.

This resulted in me getting a great harvest as the vegetables got really big and strong. The bed itself has unique soil combination – wood at bottom, leaves and grass mulch above it, and finally a relatively thinner layer of soil and compost. No artificial chemical, no industrial fertiliser or pesticide.

Initially, I had a mosquito net that was smaller and hanging off ropes. Which I later modified to be taller, more robust with a wooden frame.

The experiment did give me great cauliflowers and cabbage.

I have harvested all the cauliflowers and one cabbage so far. I took a good look at them and investigated their leaves etc. I noted presence of small colonies of aphid eggs and pupae, but all dead. None were apparently able to penetrate the skin of the leaves or puncture the veins and suck the juice of of the leaves, weakening the plant, which would result in relatively stunted growth.

But that did not happen. The aphids and pupae were all dead, without being able to hurt the plant much.

The question was – why?

Some folks use spray solution of Neem oil and water, or detergent and water. I did not use any.

Some use insecticides. I never use them since these would not only kill the insect, the poison would get into the vegetable and eventually into us.

Some plant beneficial plants that either attract the aphids, thus sparing my vegetables, or are so repugnant that they keep aphids away from my plants. I have planted neither kind near or far from my vegetables.

So why did the aphids not manage to lay eggs in many places, and why did these few that did land up on the underside of a few cabbage leaves, did not succeed in causing much harm?

I do not know the answer, but I suspect I was helped by beneficial insects, that like to lunch on this aphid eggs and pupae. I know I have a huge colony of all kinds of insects in my garden, most of these are unknown species to me. I knew the greater ecosystem needs all these to exist and interact with each other, and some of them are harmful to some others. I was not interested in killing any of them unless I knew some where harming my vegetables.

It is my belief that this insect world in my garden did include some unidentified beneficial insects that kept the aphids in check. I now believe that insecticides etc cause more harm to the insect ecosystem, and harmful insects such as aphids learn to survive or sidestep these poisons better than other beneficial insects. Therefore not using poisons and keeping the garden healthy and organic, has a curious side benefit – indirectly keeping my vegetables protected – not unlike our own microbiome bolstering our own immunity.

At least, this is what I think is the reason why I managed to have giant cabbages and cauliflower without using any insect killer.

The curious case of K K Agarwal

In the continued saga of vaccine safety in India, there is this curious case of Dr. K.K. Agarwal. He was noted as one of the more prominent doctors and spokespersons in India about heart ailments. He himself was a cardiologist, President of the Confederation of Medical Association of Asia and Oceania (CMAAO), President of the Heart Care Foundation of India and the Past National President of Indian Medical Association (IMA).

He was also the most notable doctor to be publicly supporting the idea that all living Indians should immediately opt to take a vaccine to protect themselves from covid-19.

He not only advised all people to get vaccinated, he also got the shots himself, and set an example by publicising it.

And then, shortly afterwards, in May this year (May 2021), he developed health complications reportedly from a covid infection, and had to be hospitalised. Apparently, the vaccination did not prevent him from covid infection. More over, Wikipedia report seems to indicate that his family declared that his death was linked to covid complications.

There is a lot of speculation and news is being carefully shrouded not to disclose too much on what is happening with this developing covid related health problems as a possible consequence of adverse reaction from some of the vaccines, pointing to the possibility that these vaccines, apart from not being approved, are potentially harmful for some people.

There are people that talk about the mRNA vaccine, by design, is causing unintended side effects such as blood clotting, which in turn can lead to cardiac issues for some. To further complicate matters, some doctors seem to suspect that the very treatment and drugs given to treat these conditions are themselves suspect and might lead to further deterioration of conditions.

In other words, the vaccine itself might lead to cardiac problems. Hospitalisation might lead to treatment for cardiac arrest that are suspect. Result might be further deterioration leading to death from cardiac arrest, but recorded as covid death.

So, which came first – the vaccine or the covid ? And is going to the hospital a very bad idea if you have covid vaccine related heart condition?

Some doctors are whispering about K.K. Agarwal not being the only doctor that died from the vaccine, even if he is the most famous victim. Truth about this issue is being suppressed, but has leaked out already, in India.

Puzzling times. 

My world through a microscope

I have a low powered microscope, or rather, an endoscope, that can be plugged into my hand phone, which can capture the electronic image output from the scope and save it in the phone itself.

So I decided to share some of these images here with the external world.

The surface of my MacBook laptop (Aluminum)
Himalayan pink salt
Velcro strip
Perennial wildflower seeds I am saving for future use
Potato seeds – no kidding
Daikon Radish (moolah – মূলা) seeds
Turnip seeds
Carrot seeds
Beet seed

So how you do like my world ?